View Full Version : New Super Pang v0.1 Released

November 21st, 2004, 19:53
Fenix games are all the rage in the GP32 scene and now the Dreamcast scene joins in.[br][br]Anarchy the Webmaster of GP32 Spain (http://www.gp32spain.com/) released New Super Pang v0.1 for the GP32 this week and its a great Pang game which is a burst the bubble type game for those unfamiliar with it. [br][br]Anyway tonight myself and Chui (the man who ported Fenix to Dreamcast) were working on some Fenix games and eventually i found a game to "port" over to the Dreamcast.[br][br]The port of New Super Pang uses the new Fenix Runtime which lets you select 50/60hz and is very playable.[br][br]Download from Here (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/superpang.shtml)

November 21st, 2004, 20:04
Great work :)

Nice to see the spanish scene delivering more great games :)

November 22nd, 2004, 06:17
i love pang, its a great game!

is there a problem with converting Fenixed released games to Sbi, i don't think any fenix ported game have been converted successfully

November 22nd, 2004, 12:02
there is a bug you can only play the panic mode, others cannot be selected manually, if you let the counter hit 0 you can go through other mode but it freeze the DC .
Also the game is very hard at 60 hz :-X

November 22nd, 2004, 12:18
yeah theres a new version out for gp32

ill post it later