View Full Version : Z2me -Zcode emulator Released midp1.0 and Blackberry Versions

June 2nd, 2005, 23:37
Z2me - Z Machine 3, ZCode Interpreter for J2ME
Version 0.1.0
[email protected]

Copyright (c) 2004 Troy Davis
All Rights Reserved
Licensed under the The Artistic License

Z2me is based in part on the Zplet ZCode interpreter by Matthew T. Russotto
More information may be found at http://sourceforge.net/projects/zplet/
and the complete Zplet code can be downloaded from there as well.

RandomAccessFile class from Firth Software
from http://www.firthsoftware.co.uk/RandomAccessFile.jsp

AdventureCanvas from Paul Rowland
from http://www.geocities.com/wirelessjava2002/adventure/

FastText input from Markku Korsumäki , I ported it to J2ME
from http://koti.mbnet.fi/korsu/ft.html

Thanks to everyone on j2me.org who answered my questions as I am learning j2me.

Z2me is a ZCode interpreter for the J2ME environment.
ZCode is the intermediate language that was designed
and used by the original Infocom text adventure games.
Using Z2me, it is possible to package and play a large
variety of interactive fiction on your J2ME mobile device.

Z2me is shipped with the public domain game "MiniZork". This
is a demo version of the original Infocom Zork game. Refer to
http://gpf.dcemu.co.uk for more information about Z2me.

What's New
- Initial release

- J2ME MIDP 1.0 or greater, should run on most devices that have enough memory.
- Should run most Z-code programs of versions 3.
- Text completion(Z9) - can be enabled/disabled through menu.
- About screen through menu.
- Save/Restore support for 1 save file.
- key 1 , cycles through all of the directions (NORTH, SOUTH, etc)
- key 0 , cycles through some commands I frequently use. ( ',' , AGAIN , WAIT, AND)
- key * , cycles through the Z9 completed words
- UP/DOWN arrow keys scroll the screen.
- LEFT/RIGHT cycle through the last 10 commands.

Also a different Z3 zcode format file can be added to the jar file(remove minizork.z3 first) and then update the "Zfile" user defined property with the name of the new Z3 file in the jad file. Remembering to watch the file size of the jar depending on your cellphone limitations.

What's Missing
- Multiple save/restore slots

- J2ME MIDP 1.0 capable device
- Enough memory to load the jar, load the zcode and host the heap.
The amount of memory will vary tremendously from one Z-Code game to the next.

Getting Started
Install the JAR and JAD file to your mobile device.

Z2me is provided as-is. There is no warranty or guarantee that Z2me will work as advertised and
that it won't cause your mobile device any harm.

I hope you enjoy Z2me.

Midp1.0 version

Source code

BlackBerry Version

Source code

Let me know how everything works or if you get it to work on other phones etc.


July 15th, 2005, 18:05
Just curious if anyone was able to get my j2me release to work on thier Ngage? and if so how?

I am thinking about getting an N-gage qd next month when my contract is up with Cingular.


September 13th, 2005, 13:27
Hi Troy,

Not sure if you'll still be interested or not, anyway i tried Z2me on my Ngage original yesterday. Mostly everything worked fine apart from a couple of initial crashes when using Z9 completion. The crashes are always termed as "array index out of bounds" and seem to result from trying to type words that it does not understand but they are minor as you merely have to restart the program. If you are careful when using Z9 it doesn't crash.

There is no hassle to get it to work on the Ngage. The easiest way to install a midlet is to copy it to an MMC then use a symbian file manager e.g. the excellent and free FExplorer to install it.

Thanks Troy for a great way of keeping my mind occupied when i'm stuck somewhere boring.


January 15th, 2007, 07:28
Was hacking around with this, fixing up some UI issues and making it work 'nicer' on my MIDP 2 phone. Would it be better me to just put them somewhere, or would you like to upload them on your site?