View Full Version : Brandnew Dreamcast port of Wolfenstein3D released by OneThirty8

May 26th, 2007, 14:46
OneThirty8 released it's excellent port of sdlWolf3D for Dreamcast. It's a fully functional port with full sound and VMU support. Grab it while it's hot!

Some of you have been waiting for an official release of my port of Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny with sound. [...] I've just uploaded what I have to my space over at Storm! Studios (http://www.storm-studios.net/onethirty8/). Enjoy.

Download here (http://www.storm-studios.net/onethirty8/wolf3d.html).

The SBIs include the Shareware version of Wolfenstein3D and the demo of Spear of Destiny. Burn with Selfboot Inducer (http://sbibuilder.dc-france.com/download/?idsys=2&idcat=15&idfile=115).

Source: DCEmulation.com Forums (http://dcemulation.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=92786)

Dull Blade
May 26th, 2007, 22:12
Looks great, I own an original copy of it, so I can legally play the full version on my DC.

Edit: Spelling XD

May 27th, 2007, 03:18
Looks great, I own an original copy of it, so no I can egally play the full version on my DC.

As do I. I think I'll break out the old Wolf3D map editor and hae a little fun if I have time.

May 27th, 2007, 04:25
Cool...I will have to bust on the DC and try this out.

May 27th, 2007, 06:12
The SBIs include the Shareware version of Wolfenstein3D and the demo of Spear of Destiny.
I actually forgot to include the shareware data in those files--if I recall correctly, they're a slightly newer build than what I gave you and fackue, so they're different sbi files. You can get the shareware data for Wolf3D at http://www.bebits.com/app/2718 and I'll see if I can find a link for the Spear demo.

SoD demo here: http://download.sourceforge.net/wolfgl/sdmdata.zip
Wolf demo here: http://download.sourceforge.net/wolfgl/wolfdata.zip

May 27th, 2007, 21:02
Some time ago, I compiled a CDI of your previous build, it includes the shareware version of Wolfenstein 3d:

Download (http://dcevolution.netfirms.com/dsdevelopment/large/DreamCon2007/Wolfenstein3D-Shareware.rar)

Cover (based on fackue's):

May 29th, 2007, 21:26
Dumb question, but, how do I burn this in Mac Dream Tool?

I don't see a 1st_read.bin, nor do I see where I put the WAD files for the game. A readme would be great, but I don't see one of those either.

May 29th, 2007, 22:55
MDT should support SBIs as far as I know. The 'WADs' which in case of Wolfenstein are the WL1/WL6 files go in /Wolf3d/ in the root folder.

SDL Wolf3D

At this point, it should be playable (but I really suck at playing video games, so I haven't gotten very far when testing to make sure stuff works). Config files still seem to work if/when they want to, but saving works. I've been using bz2 compression for the saves, although I may switch to gzip if I get around to seeing if it compresses better. If I do that, your saves will naturally be useless with the next version which is why I'm not doing a public release quite yet.

All three Spear of Destiny missions should work. You need your *.sod, *.sd1, *.sd2 and *.sd3 files for the full version of SoD, and you'll be presented with a menu before the game loads so you can pick which mission you want to play.

This should be completely playable without a keyboard. They keyboard works, and the mouse will try to work. DC Controller should be as follows (this will also show up in the SBI help window for those of you who use Selfboot Inducer)

In menus, "A" is "Yes" or "Select", "B" backs out.
"Start" sometimes also functions as "Esc," but I don't think I remembered to put that in everywhere. If it doesn't work, try "B."
D-Pad navigates menus. Up/Down to type when you're required to enter text, Right/Left to go forward/backspace when entering text.

In game, D-Pad or analog stick will move around.
"A" will fire.
"B" will open doors, flip switches, etc.
"X" should be run.
"Y" should cycle through available weapons.
Ltrig/Rtrig will strafe.
"Start" exits to the menu.

Keyboard controls should be the same as PC:

Arrows move.
Alt strafes.
Left Ctrl fires.
Space opens doors.
Esc goes to menu.

Your *.wl1, *.wl6, *.sod or *.sdm files go in:
For SoD Full version, your *.sd1, *.sd2, and *.sd3 files also go in

This is based on Steven Fuller's Linux port of Wolf3d and the GP32 port, which is where I got the code for PC Speaker sounds and most of the code for the controller stuff.

I threw a couple of "Easter Eggs" in. Neither was difficult to do. One will make the music play out your back speakers if you have your DC hooked through a ProLogic receiver (and will probably cause the music to go away if you've got a Mono setup).
I couldn't get the sound to play right until I forced it into stereo by making a copy of every sample. If you have the music on and you select "AdLib" music again, every sample played on the right channel is the negative of what is on the left (basically, they're 180 degrees out of phase from one another), which will cause the music and AdLib sound effects to play out your back speakers on a ProLogic system. There's no real reason for it except that I wanted to see if it would work. Clicking it again will make it play normally, just like clicking "Disney Sound Source" a second time will turn off the ceiling and floors. It's just something I found in the source and changed one "#ifdef ..." to "if(something)..."

Enjoy, but don't be surprised to find bugs.

May 29th, 2007, 23:12
Try the sbi2boot feature and add *.WL1 for shareware, *.WL6 for the full version *.SDM for the Spear of Destiny demo, *.SOD for the Spear of Destiny full version files to the wolf3d folder and burn it.

May 30th, 2007, 10:11
Jeez... I didn't include a Readme? I'm striking out on this one...

Like Christuserloeser and fackue said, your data files (wl1, wl6, sdm, sod) go in /cd/wolf3d, where "/cd" is whatever folder is going to be the root of your CD. So, using Selfboot Inducer for Windows, it would be C:/Sbinducr/Inducer/wolf3d.

Also, for the full version of Spear of Destiny, you'll want to also put your sd1, sd2, and sd3 files in there (I believe those are the correct extensions). These are the files for the three different SoD missions, all of which should be playable.

The 1st_read.bin is sort of there. I'm not familiar with the tools for Mac, but a sbi2boot feature like fackue mentioned will turn the unscrambled binaries (should be in the "Inducer/Games" folder inside the sbi files) into a scrambled 1st_read.bin.

August 2nd, 2007, 12:29
dude this is awsome! :) im downloading it right, hows the speed. I'm guessing its full speed considering that doom was full speed.

August 3rd, 2007, 00:16
Yup, full speed, full sound :)

August 5th, 2007, 09:50
Not quite full sound yet... it doesn't play out the full sounds on some objects like ammo and treasure - the default is set as the PC speaker which plays them fully but it's quality is not quite as good as adlib sound.