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View Full Version : First-Look at Sony's PS3 NBA 08

May 26th, 2007, 22:44
Via Sports Gamer (http://www.sportsgamer.com/content/785/first-look-at-sonys-ps3nba-08/)

SAN DIEGO--Sony Computer Entertainment showcased its newest basketball game, NBA 08, on PlayStation 3 at Sony’s Gamer’s Day event in San Diego. The assistant producer of the game, Bob Stait, gave SportsGamer a hands-on walkthrough of some of the features of the new game. While still early in development, the game shows major signs of improvement for this go-round.

Can you talk about how Sony’s taking advantage of the Sixaxis controller with NBA 08?

We’ve added a lot with the Sixaxis controller. We had jukes last year. Now we’ve taken it a step further with a pre and post dribble. Before you start a dribble or after you stop, you can go into the triple threat animation and get full range of motion to move the ball high, low and keep it out of the defenders reach. And you can deliver a specialized pass from wherever you have the ball in your triple threat animation. On defense, we’ve added a hands-up, hands-down feature that adds another dimension to gameplay. Tilt the controller up hands go down, from this position the ball carrier’s dribbling attributes will take a hit so he won’t be as likely to beat you with a dribble juke but he’ll be able to beat you with a jump shot because your hands are low. Vice versa, if you have your hands up, he’ll be able to juke on you but he won’t be as likely to beat you with a jump shot. Also, the new ball physics that we have in, when you put your hands up or hands down, you put your hand right on top of the ball you’re going to deflect it every time. Then it becomes a mad scramble for the ball, which is really cool when it happens.

What are some other new gameplay options?

Another gameplay mechanic we’ve added is the skitching system. The guy will basically beat you up and run you off to keep you from running around him and scoring. Once you’re in the skitching animation, we’ve added some special animations like new jukes and new moves you can do out of this animation.

What are you improving in the graphics department with the players?

We did a lot of work on the shaders and the character models. The shaders and the wrinkles for the players are the big improvements. We went back and did more tattoo work. I think we have the best player models as far as level of detail.

That arena looks different, as well. What’s new there?

Arenas are pretty much fully revamped. We really wanted to bring the crowd closer to the court and put you right in the middle of the action. Miami’s a pretty good example of that and all the stadiums are getting extensive work, so you’ll really notice this by the time we’re finished.

How are you addressing replay value with this year’s title?

Progression is a big one. It spans the entire title. It’s similar to how NBA Replay worked last year where you completed goals and collected jerseys. This year it encompasses the entire title, exhibition, season, mini-games, online. We’ve drawn up goals for the user to complete and when they do they can purchase shoes, jerseys, accessories, floors, and to create a player. You can buy attributes for him. Some wristbands will have a plus-five speed attribute to them and accessories will help you in the game.

What are you adding to online gameplay?

Last year we offered exhibition online. This year we’ve added Own the Court and One-On-One as well. We’re also going to Sports Connect, similar to MLB, which will give real-time scores from sports and the NBA. NBA Replay will be back again on a weekly basis. We’ll scan the NBA for the best performances from the previous week and then we’ll allow gamers to download them and try to match them. A good example of this was Kobe Bryant’s 81 point game last season. We set the scenario up and give you some in-game goals to complete and then let you play the game and post your scores online.


For screens click Here (http://www.sportsgamer.com/content/785/first-look-at-sonys-ps3nba-08/)

May 26th, 2007, 23:00
that looks pretty good, i wish the were better pictures though.
and im glad they lowered how shiney the floor is, on the last 1 the floor looked like it was soaking wet