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View Full Version : Update: SRSG v 0.2

May 28th, 2007, 10:43
Here's an update to my random Engrish generator: Simple Random Sentence Generator (SRSG).

I have added some new options and increased the rate of funny sentence generation as well as increased the number of sentence patterns. As a result you should get funny sentences more often and be able to do more with them.

For all of you who were waiting for a standalone version, here it is. You no longer need to have Lua already installed on your PSP. Just drop the folder into game150.

I also managed to get a better screenshot (using luawindows) so you can see what this thing actually looks like and how it performs.

Here's the changelog from the readme:

FEATURES AND CHANGELOG (key features marked with @):

v 0.1
@1. Randomly generated crazy Engrish sentences.
@2. Ability to save funny sentences to a text file. Please check the favs.txt file for your saved sentences.
3. Exits to lowser properly. (press select from the main screen)
4. Hidden feature (was used in debugging, might be useful) Press the <down> button to redisplay the current sentence. (might be good after saving)

v 0.2
(Removed #3 since it is now standalone)
(Removed #4 in place of a better feature)
@5. Ability to go back to the previously generated sentence. Useful if you accidentally skip a good one and want to save it.
@6. Ability to review your favorites file from inside the program. It will display one sentence at a time. Once the end of the file is reached, press the button again to start over at the top.
@7. Increased the number of patterns, words, and streamlined some patterns for better sentence generation.
8. Added prompt to ask for an action when the program is first started.

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May 28th, 2007, 23:24
lol this is such a funny app

May 29th, 2007, 06:45
Thanks. I think the basis for the program is pretty much finished. If I can work out a few bugs, I'll do that, but for now I think I'm going to work on a couple of mods for it then move on to my next project.

If things go as planned, these mods may be even better than the orginal Engrish version of the app. Of course the homework one will be coming soon. It should be pretty easy. The patterns should contain a lot of static structure and just a few changing parts. Maybe if I get my apartment cleaned quickly, I can post the homework mod tonight before I go to sleep.

Brainstorm just occured... got some ideas and there may be a new version coming soon along with the mods.

May 29th, 2007, 07:44
you can see what this thing actually looks like and how it performs.

Video Tools

May 30th, 2007, 03:42
This was the core idea round my Gunnar Hero game. But somehow I never got this part going properly. :-P

Looks cool. Gotta try it.

May 30th, 2007, 10:33
Perhaps you tried to go about the randomness in the wrong way. For example, if I were you I would try to have like 4 measures of pre-programmed notes. Then randomly select the blocks of measures.

If you tried to do every single beat having random notes selected, without some type of limiting code you would end up with too many notes per beat and way too many notes per measure.

Also make sure you're seeding your random number generator with either the os time, or maybe the levels of the music that is playing at the moment.

My code is free for all, so take a look and see how I'm doing things. (It's not very well organized though ;)) My next release (coming in a hour or so) might be even better for demonstrating my way of selecting random events.