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View Full Version : Eternal Sonata Screenshots

May 28th, 2007, 15:57
Via Gameworld Network (http://www.gwn.com/news/story.php/id/12830/Eternal_Sonata_Screenshots.html)

Eternal Sonata (also known as Trusty Bell or even Trust Bell: Chopin’s Dream in Japan) is an upcoming Xbox 360 (and possibly PS3) RPG from Namco, specifically tri-Crescendo, the development team behind Baten Kaitos and its sequel.

The game takes place in a dream world, which is concocted by the legendary piano composer, Frédéric Chopin, who died at the young of age of 39 as a result of tuberculosis.

The premise of the game is that three hours before he died, Chopin dreamt of a fairy-tale world where people with incurable diseases were issued magical powers.

In this world, Chopin is destined to meet Polka, a young girl who lives in the Village of Tenuto, she too has a terminal disease, and her boyfriend Allegretto is searching for a way to convert her magical power into a cure.

The game is currently scheduled to launch in Japan on June 14, with a less specific September release planned for the US. In the meantime, be sure to check out our vast selection of newly added screenshots by clicking on the thumbnails above.

Click Here to View the Screenshots (http://www.gwn.com/news/story.php/id/12830/Eternal_Sonata_Screenshots.html)

May 28th, 2007, 16:51
Fixed, and thanks for keeping us updated. :)

May 28th, 2007, 23:44
those screens look cool, really animeish.

May 28th, 2007, 23:51
glad to see new rpg's for Xbox 360. Hope it sells well in Japan :)

May 29th, 2007, 01:07
The trailer looks really good! Its everything I wanted to see in an anime based game and looks like they might be keeping a sorta simplistic battle system which I have been wanting to see for years! It seems like everyone one is trying to make the best and most complicated battle system out there but I really could care less about that. Give me the basics with some a really great story and some spectacular backgrounds like this is showing off and thats all I want.