View Full Version : Making Asteroids Miniature

September 5th, 2013, 23:00
Mini arcade cabinet builds are fairly common, but we’ve never seen anything like [Jurgen]‘smini vector Asteroids cabinet (http://www.e-basteln.de/asteroids/asteroids_intro.html) that takes an original Asteroids circuit board and a true vector monitor and shrinks it down to table top size.
Unlike the raster monitors of a later generation’s arcade games, the original Asteroids cabinet used a vector monitor just like one would find in an oscilloscope. [Jurgen] found the perfect CRT in, of all places, a broken Vectrex console. The video circuitry in the Vectrex was rather primitive and the beam deflection was far too slow for the video signals generated by the Asteroids PCB. To get around this, [Jurgen] added a custom XY driver board. While the Asteroids game – and other vector Atari games – were designed for a screen with 1 MHz of bandwidth, [Jurgen] found that 300 kHz was ‘good enough’ to display proper Asteroids graphics.
While the cabinet isn’t a miniaturized version of any proper cabinet, [Jurgen] did manage to build a rather nice looking case for his luggable version of Asteroids. The exposed PCB on the back is a great touch, and an awesome project for any ancient video game aficionado.
