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View Full Version : Game will not start

May 29th, 2007, 18:24
hello, can anyone help me out please. used the helpful downgrade upgrade stuff and my psp is now running on version 3.03oe-c. anyway just put medal of honour on to my memory card and when i try to play i get this error

' The game could not be started. (80020321)'

how do i fix this ..thank you


May 29th, 2007, 18:29
Im sorry, but ISO talk is against DCEmu rules.

May 29th, 2007, 18:34
if you are referring to the demo of the game then it goes in whatever game folder is set to 3.03 kernel.

if your referring to an illegal backup then i suggest seeking for advice elsewhere ;)

May 29th, 2007, 18:37
Ok thanks for your help. Did not know i have bust the rules. Sorry

if some one could send me a private message on who i might need to talk to to that would be fantastic.


May 29th, 2007, 18:49
I am a muppet sorted now!

May 30th, 2007, 00:02
I am a muppet sorted now!
What in the F*******************************************?

May 30th, 2007, 23:30
it means that he made a stupid mistake and that he fixed it now. just for future reference pal, iso talk isnt generally accepted in any forum, the only one i know of is psphacks, and their members even dissaprove, if not officially. If you were talking about a demo i apologize.