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View Full Version : 3k3y news roundup

September 8th, 2013, 22:42
source: Team 3k3y @ FB (https://www.facebook.com/x360key)] 3k3y Firmware 2.02 is now available! Leech it here (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=search&query=3k3y_firmware_v). Did you know that you can generate the latest 3key disk key database here (http://www.3k3y.com/ird_files/gyo)? Unlike with "competing" products you don't have to wait for the manufacturer to pinch the disk keys from our IRD database and compile it into a database :) 3k3y: "Universal" daughterboard for 25xx/3xxx/4xxx models finished! Its now now in production and will be available in about 2 weeks. This means that 3k3y will support ALL SATA (Slim and Super Slim models) using only 2 daughterboards - one solder free for 200x/210x models and one for *all* other models!
