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View Full Version : LucasArts Making Star Wars Light Saber Wii Game

June 1st, 2007, 23:11
Via Product-reviews (http://www.product-reviews.net/2007/06/01/lucasarts-making-star-wars-light-saber-wii-game/)

I just love the way news comes out, normally in a fashion where you’re speaking to a movie or games developer and they let something slip in a conversation (I am sure this is on purpose mostly).

The games division head at LucasArts has let some news slip about the making of a Star Wars Light Saber Wii Game, he said “a Wii game that lets players wield virtual light sabers is on the horizon”.

Now that just had to happen on the Nintendo Wii, Star Wars is such a big franchise and with the Wii’s unique controller it makes an idea solution for the Light Saber.

What would be cool are lightsaber sound effects coming from the Wii-mote’s speaker that would be an added bonus.
No word on dates yet, but we will let you know unless you leave a comment first.

June 2nd, 2007, 12:17
Whooosh! Wzooom! Bzzzzz!

I apologize, I just had to do it :)

June 2nd, 2007, 17:19
I don't see why they don't re-make Dark Forces 2: :Jedi Knight and the Mara Jade expansion pack for the wee! ;)

June 2nd, 2007, 20:20
this would be a kickass game if they actually make it.

June 4th, 2007, 20:29
I agree I'd love to see another Dark Forces game it was a fantastic series and for the Wii it would be fantastic. Now if I could just get Lucas Arts to make a lightsaber Wiimote to add to the game so you could purchase either just the game or the game with a new Wiimote that looks and feels like a lightsaber. I'd line up for that.

June 5th, 2007, 10:09
lets hope its a realistic looking game and not a kiddy one.

I cant wait to bzzz... woooshh... shh... zzzSHHH