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View Full Version : AMD Reveals Roadmap For ARM and X86 SoCs

September 10th, 2013, 23:02
On the eve of the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco, AMD unveiled what it calls an ambidextrous embedded roadmap (http://linuxgizmos.com/amd-reveals-arm-and-x86-soc-and-apu-plans/), based on a series of new system-on-chip (SoC) and accelerated processing unit (APU) products built from both ARM and x86 CPU cores. Planned for launch in 2014 are an ARM Cortex A57-based 'Hierofalcon' SoC, a 'Bald Eagle' APU using a new 'Streamroller' x86 CPU, a multi-core x86 'Steppe Eagle' APU, and an 'Adelaar' discrete Embedded Radion GPU. 'There are different customer needs in different segments of this market, from low-power to high-performance, Linux to Windows, and x86 to ARM,' commented Arun Iyengar, VP and general manager, of the AMD Embedded Solutions division."Update: 09/10 16:54 GMT by T (http://www.monkey.org/~timothy/) : As Slash DataCenter notes, this roadmap includes an SoC aimed specifically at datacenters (http://slashdot.org/topic/datacenter/amd-roadmap-features-embedded-system-soc-aimed-at-datacenters/).
