View Full Version : Gates Hints At New Xbox Control System

June 4th, 2007, 15:56
Via GameSutra (http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=14184)


Microsoft’s Bill Gates has given the strongest hint yet that the company plans to introduce a new control system for the Xbox 360 influenced by the success of the Wii, although his somewhat vague comments suggest a very different approach to Nintendo.

As detailed by technology website All Things Digital (http://d5.allthingsd.com/20070530/d5-gates-jobs-interview/), Gates was taking part in a live conversation with Apple founder Steve Jobs, when Gates began to discuss the use of 3D online interfaces and the increasing role of the PC as a home media and communications center.

He ended his comments by saying, “And as we get natural input, that will cause a change... Software is doing vision and so, you know, imagine a game machine where you’re just going to pick up the bat and swing it or the tennis racket and swing it.”

As the similarities behind his concept and that of the Wii were pointed out, Gates responded: “No, that’s not it. You can’t pick up your tennis racket. And swing it.”

“You can’t sit there with your friends and do those natural things. That’s a 3D positional device. This is video recognition,” he added.

Although the use of the phrase “game machine” implies Xbox 360 technology, no further details were provided by Gates, although others, including Xbox’s Peter Moore, have previously hinted at Microsoft’s interest in producing a motion sensing controller for the Xbox 360.

Gates himself has been the most dismissive of Microsoft executives on the subject of the Wii, repeatedly stating his skepticism of the format (http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=9482) and its controller and regarding it as a novelty. In May 2006, he even went as far as to state that motion sensing controllers are “something that's not mainstream for most games.”

June 4th, 2007, 16:42
because this image needs to be seen!

and this is most likely using coloured objects in front of a camera to play a game...just like the eyetoy.

June 4th, 2007, 17:21
because this image needs to be seen!

and this is most likely using coloured objects in front of a camera to play a game...just like the eyetoy.

If your implying the eye toy was unique Ive gotta tell you to look up something called the Dreameye, released before the Eyetoy or Live Vision Camera.

June 4th, 2007, 17:36
the wii for new gameplay

360 for old fashioned gameplay

ps3 for the full media center.


June 4th, 2007, 17:41
If your implying the eye toy was unique Ive gotta tell you to look up something called the Dreameye, released before the Eyetoy or Live Vision Camera.
i didnt imply anything, simply giving my take on what gates was saying.
but the eyetoy software was the first mainstream use of color coordinated player tracking. this idea may not even be the same, i was simply giving my thoughts on the most likely outcome.
off topic

the wii for new gameplay

360 for old fashioned gameplay

ps3 for the full media center.


why, and besides, that has never been the case either.

June 4th, 2007, 17:47

Damn he looks so freakin evil in this picture like he is going to take over the world. They shouldn't try copying off the Wii

June 4th, 2007, 18:15

Damn he looks so freakin evil in this picture like he is going to take over the world. They shouldn't try copying off the Wii


Such an unrelated post!

Really, I have no idea what this article is even about. A new way to play, wha???

EDIT: Ok, I read further and see that this is nothing like the Wii-mote(as noted in the speech) its more like the eye-toy or dreameye....

Basil Zero
June 4th, 2007, 18:15
funny image, gonna save that for other forums i go to lol

btw, this is a rip off of Wii-Mote if u ask me

June 4th, 2007, 23:05
Well I doubt they will use it for actual games, mabye for Live Arcade games similar to a majority of those Live Vision ones. And actually the Dreameye did all that too, since it was released around the end of the DC's life it didn not amke the impact it could have.


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