View Full Version : R4 help...please :D

June 5th, 2007, 06:09
ok so my R4 came in today...YAY!!!:D and i love it to death! but i have a question...ok I know that you can use soft reset while playing a rom, and it will take you back to the R4 menu....but what if you are running an app,or a homebrew game hoe do you get back to the r4 menu without turning the ds off and back on?

oh and....im using nes ds, anyone know how i can get my nes games to save?

June 5th, 2007, 06:17
Only homebrew that has been compiled with Lick's rebootlib will have soft-reset capability. There are very few apps that have done this. I know that Moonshell at least will reboot if you choose the reboot option from the menu or press L+R+ABXY. I think you might need the custom R4 reset.mse file for Moonshell to reboot correctly though. Check the EZ-Flash forums for that, as I believe a guy named cory is the one that managed to create the alternate reset.mse file.

NES DS does not have explicit support for any slot-1 device, so saving is unlikely to work. I have heard of one user who got savestates to work, but he is unable to reproduce it. A DLDI version of NES DS has been "coming soon" for several months now =/

EDIT: I can't find the updated reset.mse thing. I'll keep looking elsewhere.

June 5th, 2007, 22:56
Just wanted to say that I found it, on GBAdev of all places. Download the updated reset.mse file at http://www009.upp.so-net.ne.jp/rudolph/nds/reset_mse03.zip and use it to replace the old one on your card, which is probably in the "moonshl" folder somewhere.