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View Full Version : Sega Talks Ghost Squad on Wii

June 6th, 2007, 15:20
via Cubed3 (http://www.cubed3.com/news/7740/1/Sega_Talks_Ghost_Squad_on_Wii)

Sega's Yosuke Okunari recently sat down to discuss various aspects of its forthcoming Wii exclusive port of the arcade game 'Ghost Squad', covering how it will differ from the original and the potential of other shooters coming to Wii. Below are some excerpts from the interview:


IGN Wii: Have the graphics been changed for the better or worse in the transition to Wii?

Yosuke Okunari: The graphics are customized for the Wii console. However, I think the users who have played the arcade version should have little discomfort.

IGN Wii: As far as gameplay is concerned, how does the shooter feel on Wii? Is there any IR calibration in-game, or was it not needed? What kind of options have been included for Wii players?

Yosuke Okunari: With the household TV becoming sophisticated, gun shooting games were only available in arcades for a certain time. However, Wii enabled the players to enjoy gun shooting games at their own houses. What's more, you don't have to buy any additional peripherals. This is a simple story, but very important. Ghost Squad should probably be the first gun shooting game on Wii. And people should be able to rediscover the excitement of gun shooting games.

IGN Wii: Sega has a plethora of light gun games in its arsenal. Why start with Ghost Squad?

Yosuke Okunari: Ghost Squad is not a series title, but we thought it would be perfect for our first challenge on the new hardware. And we also think the depth of the game is suited for home video games. Of course, Sega still has a lot of very attractive gun shooting games and in my personal opinion, I think we should continue releasing them on Wii. However, I can not tell you about our future plans yet.


Be sure to check out the full interview here (http://wii.ign.com/articles/794/794454p1.html).