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View Full Version : Transformers Exclusive New Content For PS3 And Xbox 360

June 10th, 2007, 11:36
Via CB Games (http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Transformers-Exclusive-New-Content-For-PS3-And-Xbox-360-4641.html)

Activision has done a smoking job of ensuring that gamers get a lot of inside looks and constant peeks at the upcoming Transformers game. Whether or not the game will live up to the same kind of expectations movie goers and gamers will have for both mediums is a whole other topic. But you can at least take some refuge in the fact that the game looks darn good.

The gameplay contains a mixture of beat-e’m-up elements and, of course, the ability to utilize various Transformers’ vehicular traits. So far everything looks really cool – the way the game is coming together both visually and conceptually – even the effects have transmuted from the big screen, to the interactive video screen with similar appeal. Here’s hoping none of that gets cut down into shreds due to brain disrupting gameplay features.

But given the current aim of the project, I doubt this game will turn out like the less-than-sub-par Pirates of the Caribbean, Spider-Man 3 or Shrek The Third. Then again, I’m sure someone said the same thing about Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death. Anyway, you can gather up more info at the Official Transformers The Game Website (http://www.transformersthegame.com/), and you can enjoy the trailer below.


Game trailer can be found on this page (http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Transformers-Exclusive-New-Content-For-PS3-And-Xbox-360-4641.html)