View Full Version : Dosbox - 11/06/2007 Update - DOS Emulator For PSP

June 11th, 2007, 02:25
Crazy C (http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=3179&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0) has posted a new binary/patch for the Dosbox - Dos Emulator for the PSP.

First heres the news from todays release:

I've put up a new binary that will hopefully fix the enter mapping, the pic command problems and adds CHOICE. I'll put a patch up if the mapping works and when I fix the splitscreen vga problem

This patch (http://home.wi.rr.com/crazyz/dosbox.patch.gz), when applied to dosbox 0.60 and linked with these library functions (http://home.wi.rr.com/crazyz/stat_trunc.c), arwin's p-sprint and SDL (with 8-bit surface patch), gets dosbox running on the psp.

As usual this emulator isnt straight forward unlike most other emulators but please wait whilst our more experianced DCEmu members put the files together and release an eboot that everyone can use. For those who do get it working please post your Compatability findings on all games :)

June 11th, 2007, 02:28
Hmm nice! Dosbox emulator rocks.

June 11th, 2007, 02:35
no link?

June 11th, 2007, 05:19
They really need to ditch the current keyboard input method and add an on screen keyboard display

June 11th, 2007, 05:28
enter key works perfectly when mapped, and also the "rtrigger" is mappable in this version....i am waiting for crazyc's approval to post the new eboot.

Now working: space ace, hocus pocus, kens labrynth and skyroads 3D.

also working as of the last version as well is cosmo's cosmic adventure, moraff's world, the incredible machine and others.

June 11th, 2007, 07:23
Can anyone please tell me how to get the number 0 with PSPrint? I need to type ms0!!!!

How do I install this update? lol

June 11th, 2007, 09:16
I havent tried this emu out yet but it is all sounding very promising. There are soooo many dos games that I want to get round to trying out on my psp. :)

It would be nice to see piKey implemented in a future release.

June 11th, 2007, 10:04
Compiled Eboot and config file attached.

Seems to be working well, even slightly increased speed. Now playing "Another World" launched from a CHOICE menu :D Excellent work CrazyC :thumbup:


June 11th, 2007, 11:44
thank you MGfox (n_n)
this may help ppl like me to make this emu to work !
anyway this is just the eboot, do i have to copy it over the old release?

this emu really rock!!

June 11th, 2007, 11:51
I know there are lots of games but can people please recomend me what titles they think are the best and are worth checking out and that also work on the psp?

June 11th, 2007, 11:59
If you already have DosBox installed, then just replace the EBoot.pbp with mine.

If you don't have it installed, then place the two files (Eboot and .conf) into "(MS0):\PSP\GAME\DosBox\" (if running an OE thats not using 1.50 kernel, then it'll be "GAME150"), the "DosBox" folder can technically be called anything you wish, but for simplicities sake, I chose DosBox.

If you need help with dos navigation and usage etc, may I recommend HERE (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=445755&postcount=55) for Ambirion's packs, they're for the old version of DosBox but they'll help get everything running. Just replace the EBoot in the pack with mine (hopefully Ambirion will post some updated packs at some point)


June 11th, 2007, 15:24
windows 3.1 would be interesting on the psp.
especialy if the nub can be used as mouse.
flixmix - works with arrow keys, but mouse is 10X better.
abuse - is good but REQUIRES the mouse <- probably better ported.
risk - still need mouse
3d lemmings - still need mouse
goblins quest 3 - once more, needs mouse.
unfortunately ports of a game are usualy better.

Robert de Clair
June 11th, 2007, 15:37
im looking at http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=401005&postcount=18 keyboard screen but i dont know how to write numbers they are purple and i dont know how to write it :/

June 11th, 2007, 15:46
windows 3.1 would be interesting on the psp.
especialy if the nub can be used as mouse.
flixmix - works with arrow keys, but mouse is 10X better.
abuse - is good but REQUIRES the mouse <- probably better ported.
risk - still need mouse
3d lemmings - still need mouse
goblins quest 3 - once more, needs mouse.
unfortunately ports of a game are usualy better.

The mouse is working just fine :confused:

im looking at http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...5&postcount=18 keyboard screen but i dont know how to write numbers they are purple and i dont know how to write it :/

Hold down left on the d-pad and press X ... this toggles typing "Group 1" ... you'll now be able to type the purple characters ... do it again to go back to normal.

This keyboard stuff really needs to be properly documented.


June 11th, 2007, 15:59
3D Lemmings works perfect in Popstation (its a pixel perfect conversion)

And Globins 3 works in Scummvm i belive

June 11th, 2007, 16:18
Wow Nice Update, works well.

Robert de Clair
June 11th, 2007, 16:28
this "keyboard stuff" should be more user freindly like pspuae or pspvice :) goblins 3 working with some problems - missing bar with item names (botom screen)

goblins 3 doesnt work with scumm (at this moment)
working version with scumm are gobliiins (the first one) and goblins 2 (but i cant find a properly images for scumm) my files from goblins 2 are recognised as goblins 1 (in scumm pc and ps2 ) so i think scumm for psp also have this issue :)

goblins 3 working slowly on pspuae, slowly but playable.

Robert de Clair
June 11th, 2007, 16:37
little OT ;)

RTS fans ;) - for popstation is a DUNE2000 :) similiar to warcraft but in frank herbert's world. A dune 2 (precursor of dune 2K) should work with dosbox and pspuae

June 11th, 2007, 17:45
This emulator runs dos games absolutely smoothly if you disable the sound within the game configuration; I've tried with some later SSI rpg games and they now run almost 100% speed.

My problem is with keys binding, I've tried to use the template included in the eboot release of the past week (the one with prince of persia 2 bat file) but now only the enter key seems properly binded. I'd like to bind directonial keys to keyboard arrows but I'm not able to do it, any suggestion?

June 11th, 2007, 17:51

Very nice job for this port ^^.

I tried to make Heroes of might and magic 2 worked last night.

Unfortunely the game ask for CD and the crack for this game don't work anymore (it' s a abandonware...)

So in my sleep i ask myself for what is going wrong.

I finaly thinl that this crack (no CD) have maybe need to an hardware CD Drive.

So i search for a DOSBOX config to enable virtual CD drive.

mount d d:/ -t cdrom -ioctl

For psp it sounds like :

mount d ms0:/cd/ -t cdrom -ioctl

I have create a cd directori at the root of my MMSTICK.

I put it in the config of DOSBOX for PSP and it finally Work :).

The end of my config is :

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
mount c ms0:/psp/dosbox/
mount d ms0:/cd/ -t cdrom -ioctl
cd dn151

So HOMM II work but speed is really slow :thumbup:

Sry for my poor english if you have problems to understand tell me i will try to explain beter.


June 11th, 2007, 18:05
it would be great if this work with pikey, using Danzef keyobard :D

June 11th, 2007, 18:32
it would be great if this work with pikey, using Danzef keyobard :D

Yep :thumbup:

June 11th, 2007, 19:30
i never had a dos nor heard of one, what year were they out and are there any must have games

June 11th, 2007, 20:13
As many good games that the Dos OS had, the absolute miracle that is this emulator are the Sierra "Quest" games. (Space Quest, King's Quest, Quest for Glory, Police Quest, Leisure Suit Larry)

These games all run extremely well, and are such INCREDIBLE adventures!

QUESTION to those that mess with the config: Has anyone found a sweet spot with the cycles?

I recently downloaded a "compiled eboot" and it had: autocycle=true

I then compared this to my "old" config file which had:

My "old" config file actually ran faster. In my experiences with DosBox on the PC, it is common knowledge that if you amp up the cycles past the machines speed it will slow the whole thing down.

Anyway, what are the sweetspots people??? What are your experiences with frameskip? Cycles? Sound, no sound? Let me know. I'll do the same.

June 11th, 2007, 20:26
Prince of persia runs very, very well (with sound) and Battle Chess also runs well (although theres no sound for some reason).

When I get the chance I'll test out some more.

Excellent stuff. :)

Can someone please tell me how I can use the F keys (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5) cause PinballDreams boots up really quickly but I dont know how to use those keys to start the game (its a tad confusing with the current keyboard setup).

...I reckon the Danzeff keyboard is a must for a future release! :)

June 11th, 2007, 21:19
Compiled Eboot and config file attached.

Seems to be working well, even slightly increased speed. Now playing "Another World" launched from a CHOICE menu :D Excellent work CrazyC :thumbup:


Why do zip files from here constantly end up corrupted? Usually downloading it over again fixes it...but not this time.

PSP 101
June 11th, 2007, 21:42
Sorry if this has already been asked, but does frameskip work?

June 11th, 2007, 21:52
Compiled Eboot and config file attached.

Seems to be working well, even slightly increased speed. Now playing "Another World" launched from a CHOICE menu :D Excellent work CrazyC :thumbup:


Thanks a lot for posting this updated eboot. Old dos games are all I've been playing lately on my PSP!

June 11th, 2007, 21:57
Awesome work by the author, but this definitely needs a better keyboard scheme.

I'm looking forward to future releases. This seems to be just getting off the ground and has a lot of potential. :D

Robert de Clair
June 11th, 2007, 23:05
Baboon: i You want to play a oldstyle pinballs ten run Pinball Challenge Deluxe on latest GBA Emulator :) it's a compilation of pinball dreams and pinball fantasies. flippers are binded to L and R buttons and playability is maximum. Pure Honey ;)

June 11th, 2007, 23:45
Ok I seem to have a problem with warcraft.
It will load. But if i have sound and music going it gives me a bus error just before the intro to the race you chose. Then if i turn off music i get a bus error just before the starting menu shows up. If i just have music it runs fine. So im guesing its effects related but for the life of me cant figure it out. i have tride the demo and the full game with the same result.
Have had this problem sence the first eboot. if you need more info i should be able to answer.
I am a child of dos after all. lol

June 12th, 2007, 01:31
Does anyone know if it is possible to map out the directions on the analog sticks for certain commands?

I am trying to get Catacombs 3d Abyss set up to my liking, but the analog is hard to use to move straight forward or back. I set the directional buttons to certian commands already rather than up/down/left/right.

I'd like to switch them so that I can use the direction buttons and make the analog stick:
analog up = n
analog down = w
analog left = s
analog right = r

June 12th, 2007, 19:37
I'm gonna try a few of my old faves such as 4D Boxing which is the BEST boxing game ever. Jagged Alliance 1 and 2(the old one), Telengard (yippeeeee), Ultima 1,2,3,4 and underworld 1 & 2, renegade legion interceptor, railroad tycoon 2, 7 cities of gold(we need a remake of this), Pool of darkness (best ssi rpg ever), Spelljammer, Starflight(drool), Wasteland, Wizardry 1 through 8, zone 66 (killa zaxxon upgrade from epic megagames), Lode Runner, Questron 1 & 2 (rpg heaven), Tron (original), Lost Eden ( 1 of the few adventure/strat games i liked, Magic Carpet (ea's hayday), Master of Magic(top 5 strat game ever), Master of Orion (ditto previous), Mech warrior 1 (only non linear mech game ever and classic top 20 alltime), Might & magic 1-5 with 3 being the best ever, Populous 1-3 (bullfrog game nuff said), Hard Hat Mack (apple 2 days), and megatons more. Now if only there was a virtual keyboard woot woot.

June 12th, 2007, 20:15
Star Wars Tie Fighter and Star Wars X-wing both work ...all though just a wee bit too slow to play.

This has got loads of potential! :)

June 13th, 2007, 05:49
I'm gonna try a few of my old faves such as 4D Boxing which is the BEST boxing game ever. Jagged Alliance 1 and 2(the old one), Telengard (yippeeeee), Ultima 1,2,3,4 and underworld 1 & 2, renegade legion interceptor, railroad tycoon 2, 7 cities of gold(we need a remake of this), Pool of darkness (best ssi rpg ever), Spelljammer, Starflight(drool), Wasteland, Wizardry 1 through 8, zone 66 (killa zaxxon upgrade from epic megagames), Lode Runner, Questron 1 & 2 (rpg heaven), Tron (original), Lost Eden ( 1 of the few adventure/strat games i liked, Magic Carpet (ea's hayday), Master of Magic(top 5 strat game ever), Master of Orion (ditto previous), Mech warrior 1 (only non linear mech game ever and classic top 20 alltime), Might & magic 1-5 with 3 being the best ever, Populous 1-3 (bullfrog game nuff said), Hard Hat Mack (apple 2 days), and megatons more. Now if only there was a virtual keyboard woot woot.
I can tell you for a fact that 4d boxing runs great...slow but very playable.

I am glad Stunts runs...2nd best game ever.

June 13th, 2007, 15:53
I'm gonna try a few of my old faves such as 4D Boxing which is the BEST boxing game ever. Jagged Alliance 1 and 2(the old one), Telengard (yippeeeee), Ultima 1,2,3,4 and underworld 1 & 2, renegade legion interceptor, railroad tycoon 2, 7 cities of gold(we need a remake of this), Pool of darkness (best ssi rpg ever), Spelljammer, Starflight(drool), Wasteland, Wizardry 1 through 8, zone 66 (killa zaxxon upgrade from epic megagames), Lode Runner, Questron 1 & 2 (rpg heaven), Tron (original), Lost Eden ( 1 of the few adventure/strat games i liked, Magic Carpet (ea's hayday), Master of Magic(top 5 strat game ever), Master of Orion (ditto previous), Mech warrior 1 (only non linear mech game ever and classic top 20 alltime), Might & magic 1-5 with 3 being the best ever, Populous 1-3 (bullfrog game nuff said), Hard Hat Mack (apple 2 days), and megatons more. Now if only there was a virtual keyboard woot woot.

Agree with that :thumbup:




June 25th, 2007, 07:39
What if you could get Daggerfall to work on PSP. I'd be the happiest man alive.
Are those 4D screens from the PSP? 4D boxing ROCKS. Best boxing game ever.

June 25th, 2007, 20:37
Has anyone tried to get 'Dark Sun: Shattered Lands' to work yet? Mine runs with pretty bad sound, and the game seems to be very unresponsive. I move the analog to stick, and the cursor will move a couple seconds after. Same thing goes for mouse clicks, which unfortunately makes the game extremely annoying to play.

Sorry about posting this twice (here and in another thread), but I felt it would be appropriate to write it here too when I found this thread.

June 26th, 2007, 02:32
Sorry for being a noob but what does this emulate? I haven't caught on yet...

June 27th, 2007, 11:15
Sorry for being a noob but what does this emulate? I haven't caught on yet...

This emulates DOS, which most games for the pc were played on before 1995 ish

June 27th, 2007, 12:36
Daggerfall would be C-R-A-Z-Y if it worked! Does it? How about Master of Orion, any luck on that one either?

June 29th, 2007, 19:06
I will get around to get Daggerfall working when I get home.
Also I would LOOOOVE to play death rally on my PSP. That would be awsome.

June 29th, 2007, 19:44
ok.. Death Rally seems to be starting. I'm not in the game yet.. There's long loading times. I think it will run very choppy and slow. But it's a start.
I wonder if there's any real good ways to set it up to run smoother.

June 30th, 2007, 20:17
I have Arena up and running. Alot of irritating control business, but that might be setable. Also I just CAN'T get past the points distributing screen. It just rerolls all the time. So I don't acctuallt get to play the game.


Ok.. I'm in. It works and all. But it's so slow it's not really playable. I guess the same will go for Daggerfall I'm afraid. But it is a weird and amazing feeling just seeing the dungeons on a handheld. If I can get these games working, together with ultima underground I'm finished as a gamer. That's it.. It can't get any better.

Is there any ways to optimize this so it will run smoother?

July 3rd, 2007, 05:55
i read every post in this thread and i am infxckingcredibly surprised that im the first to ask how to type

i can only get like 5-10 letters no matter what combo of keys i push, and cannot make up a legible word to enter a directory.

and also, has anyone tried any of the keen episodes or Starwars: Battlefront

July 3rd, 2007, 20:51
you're right! All I want to know is how to type with this prog. Also, is there a list going for compatible games?

July 5th, 2007, 07:13
Very, very nice. Please more from this fantastic Emu. Perfect for playing Adventures with Mouse(AnalogPad) i think. Keep up the very good work. :thumbup:
Please make a new Input ala PSPUAE. pls pls pls.

Sorry for my bad english, but i hope you understand me.

July 7th, 2007, 11:07
tried any of the keen episodes

yes tried "goodbye galaxy",basically perfect(without sound)

ihave a problem with catacombs:it doesn't recognizes my Enter key,no matter where i congif it or how many times i presses it,it doesn't go on.every other key works though.that's strange.....

July 9th, 2007, 08:37
How do you bind F3 or F6? I'm trying to play Bumpy's and it won't let me...

July 10th, 2007, 15:09
Man this Keyboard typing sux i cant figure out the letters is there a program i can download for a keyboard or some autostart program for one must fall?

July 18th, 2007, 14:24
this program is so fustarting to even play a game u have to mount the drives not only that the joypads never work waste of time !

November 23rd, 2007, 22:38
why the control is not working in my psp ?

how I can set for this ?? :confused: