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View Full Version : PS3 bites back

June 11th, 2007, 16:26
Via Guardian - Gamers Blog (http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/games/archives/2007/06/11/ps3_bites_back.html)

Cost, games, functionality - it's all too easy to criticise the PS3. But while the big titles are still lacking things are apparently getting better for the embattled console. Sony Europe boss David Reeves recently announced (http://www.mcvuk.com/opinion/32/The-PS3-powers-on) the one millionth PS3 sell-through in PAL territories - faster than both PSOne, and more relevantly, PS2. Not bad for nine and half weeks.

Predictably the biggest game successes have been Resistance Fall of Man and Motorstorm, while 460,000 PS3 owners have signed up to the PlayStation Network online service. Elsewhere Reeves confirmed that the 20Gb and 80 Gb consoles were unlikely to launch in Europe any time soon. Quietly impressive figures then, which confirm the endearing popularity of the PlayStation brand in Europe. And surprising too, especially when there is no real reason to buy a PS3 at the moment.

There's no doubt that some timely PS3 updates have improved the online experience - although it still doesn't compare to Xbox Live - and beefed up the the media elements. The latter, especially the PSP connectivity, is really beginning to fulfil potential. And you can't underestimate how important reliability and build quality are - two areas where PS3 trounces the 360. But unless you are really desperate to watch Blu-ray movies then it pays to wait. This time next year the PS3 should actually have some games worth shouting about - hopefully a PS3 "Gears of War" that really highlights the graphical potential of the console - plus the more intriguing draws like Home and LittleBigPlanet will have launched.

Whether that will be enough to tempt you away from the 360 version of multiformat games - with decent online play, achievements etc - remains to be seen, but the PS3 will be only get more attractive over the next 18 months. Currently 360 has the games and Wii has the momentum, but does PS3 have the future?

June 11th, 2007, 17:08
why remove the emotion engine for production costs im sure a 20gb cheaper version would suit the british wallet

why £400 why!!!!

Basil Zero
June 13th, 2007, 01:33
why remove the emotion engine for production costs im sure a 20gb cheaper version would suit the british wallet

why £400 why!!!!

Blu-Ray player

Gold Line
June 13th, 2007, 03:11
well dump the stupid blu-ray and make it cheeper dam it!

June 13th, 2007, 03:18
sony needs the blue-ray player because they dont have the rights to hd-dvds or somethin like that. they just want to make tons of money.

June 13th, 2007, 10:08
how can u say sony want to make tons of money..... yes they wanna get profit but doesnt microsoft wanna to... the ps3 looses bout $200 on each console.. so i dont think sony is making money through ps3..

June 13th, 2007, 11:05
PS3 is used 2 make blu-ray more promoted ... nd also have a better start ... like it has at 3 to 1 since i last looked and thats all because of the PS3

June 13th, 2007, 11:11
Wouldnt one make a console that would be able to be produced, and make money, because that means that prehiperals for the console are expensive as hell, as are games and other components, sony, your a ****ing bunch of geniuses arnt you. The DC class at my school could make a better console.

June 13th, 2007, 12:52
Wouldnt one make a console that would be able to be produced, and make money, because that means that prehiperals for the console are expensive as hell, as are games and other components, sony, your a ****ing bunch of geniuses arnt you. The DC class at my school could make a better console.

how could they make a better console ... ur most prob one of dem people who dis sony just coz the price tag is high ... well think about it ... its like a genuration higher than 360 ...

June 13th, 2007, 23:31
Wouldnt one make a console that would be able to be produced, and make money, because that means that prehiperals for the console are expensive as hell, as are games and other components, sony, your a ****ing bunch of geniuses arnt you. The DC class at my school could make a better console.

Consoles don't ever make money at launch. Its a proven economic fact. Well except for the Wii, because its no better than a Gamecube...

Both Microsoft and Sony have lost money on console sales this generation and last generation, so have the consoles before them.

Sony was simply 'future proofing' their console, much in the same way an individual would do when getting a computer from Alienware or Falcon Northwest as opposed from say Dell or HP.

June 14th, 2007, 01:38
how can u say sony want to make tons of money..... yes they wanna get profit but doesnt microsoft wanna to... the ps3 looses bout $200 on each console.. so i dont think sony is making money through ps3..

sony loses money because they took a ps2, put the processor on roids, put in a failed blue-ray system and expected gamer to buy it because of it's name and that fact the a majority of all the seuqals are gonna be released on the ps3. that's how i can say it.

June 14th, 2007, 03:03
put in a failed blue-ray system

WTF are you talking about? Blu-Ray is outselling HD-DVD 9 to 1... Get your facts straight. I suppose you're pissed that you spent 250 bucks on a console thats not even twice as powerful as its predecessor.

June 14th, 2007, 03:34
WTF are you talking about? Blu-Ray is outselling HD-DVD 9 to 1... Get your facts straight. I suppose you're pissed that you spent 250 bucks on a console thats not even twice as powerful as its predecessor.

heehehe put blueray suxs. i got one and took it back. and the last i looked the Wii is out selling the PS3 3to 1. oh and i got my wii for free!!!!:thumbup:
You talk about processor power like it makes or breaks a game but you can still make games that sux with a cel-processor on roids. Look at the wii and 360(which owns the PS3) theres are so many games that i would rather play on the wii tamd 360 than the ps3. the 360 is going tiget many of the ps3's exculsive games and they will be out before the end of the year NOT SUMMER 2008!

June 14th, 2007, 10:04
losing $200 on each console i didnt know it was that bad

and the only reason the blue ray is out selling is because people have ps3's when hd-dvd becomes more mainstream it will win due to cheaper production costs and similar technology to dvd.who needs a 50gig blue ray im sure a 35 gig hd-dvd will be big enough for a 120 minute long 1080p video