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View Full Version : With XP's End of Life, Munich Will Distribute Ubuntu CDs

September 17th, 2013, 23:23
Windows XP is going to officially die and stop receiving support from Microsoft in April, 2014. After that very moment, it is said to become a gold mine for hackers all over the world who will exploit 'zero-day' vulnerabilities. The municipality of the German city of Munich wants to stop that from happening [and] has decided to distribute free CDs with Ubuntu 12.04 (http://wind8apps.com/free-ubuntu-cd-munich-windows-xp/) to users of the almost extinct XP. Munich, through its Gasteig Library, will prepare around 2000 CDs with Ubuntu 12.04 to offer to city residents (http://www.muenchen.de/rathaus/Stadtverwaltung/Direktorium/IT-Beauftragte/Aktuelles/linux_cd.html) affected by Windows XP's end of support. Previously, it was believed that Munich city's authorities were going to offer Lubuntu 12.04, which would have required lower system requirements with the same support period.
