View Full Version : banner request

June 12th, 2007, 02:22
I need a new banner for my anime site. You can check out the site here- http://gunntims0103.blogspot.com/ . As you can see the banner isnt the best and the site simply looks to dark like. If someone can come up with a banner with Bleach and Naruto tied into the banner. Maybe even the site title: gunBlogsAnime&co. The slogan: Promply suppling your Anime vids and news.

Something along those lines would be fantastic. Also if anyone would like to help out on the color scheme of the site, just say so. I need a better site layout. As of now its dark and not very organized. Any help in that category would be great as well.

Site: http://gunntims0103.blogspot.com/


June 12th, 2007, 07:51
I need a new banner for my anime site. You can check out the site here- http://gunntims0103.blogspot.com/ . As you can see the banner isnt the best and the site simply looks to dark like. If someone can come up with a banner with Bleach and Naruto tied into the banner. Maybe even the site title: gunBlogsAnime&co. The slogan: Promply suppling your Anime vids and news.

Something along those lines would be fantastic. Also if anyone would like to help out on the color scheme of the site, just say so. I need a better site layout. As of now its dark and not very organized. Any help in that category would be great as well.

Site: http://gunntims0103.blogspot.com/


give me some renders (pictures) and i shall do it for you :thumbup:

i dont know much about anime stuff so u gotta give me the pictures :p

also any color themes in mind?

June 14th, 2007, 11:16
i will try also and i make my own renders