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View Full Version : Rolling back to v1.0

June 11th, 2005, 00:00
Hi... I dont know about everyone else, but Im pretty pissed that my PSP came with v1.5 instead of v1.0 (Damned Sams Club).
But the thing Im wondering is... is there any way to erase the PSPs base memory and download a v1.0 firmware into it?

June 11th, 2005, 00:42
ban him, he is a complete idiot.

June 11th, 2005, 01:08
ban him, he is a complete idiot.

this IS against the rules. read rule number 5

June 11th, 2005, 01:48
Dont get rude.....
There are some people who are working on that very idea...


There you go, read up.....Oh yeah, dont post in that forum it is VERY n00b unfriendly...(guess this one is too! Who knew?)

June 11th, 2005, 02:08
Dont get rude.....
There are some people who are working on that very idea...


There you go, read up.....Oh yeah, dont post in that forum it is VERY n00b unfriendly...(guess this one is too! Who knew?)\

good point sorry arch
could someone tell me what that says? i got banned from that forum, no idea why

June 11th, 2005, 02:13
Thank you those that are not complete assholes. A simple question deserves a simple answer. :)

June 11th, 2005, 02:15
Thank you those that are not complete assholes. A simple question deserves a simple answer. :)

sorry, i just don't take kindly to people who don'tt read the rules. i shouldn't be the one to speak, a few other plp here know my previous account got banned :rolleyes: at least it wasn't me that actually got it banned :p

Cap'n 1time
June 11th, 2005, 02:26
sorry, i just don't take kindly to people who don'tt read the rules. i shouldn't be the one to speak, a few other plp here know my previous account got banned :rolleyes: at least it wasn't me that actually got it banned :p

i dont like you and i dont like shizzle. you dont have the right to come in and tell people that they should be banned. your both pretty new to this forum and you both are questionable in my site.

act your age and stop making unessicary statments.

as for you arch, if you would READ ANYWHERE you would know you cannot currently downgrade your firmware. It is quite anoying to see this posted over and over again, but that dosnt give either of these guys the right to act like the own the place.

June 11th, 2005, 02:31
act your age

the own the place.

YOUR site?

i'm not actually old enough to understand what exactly you mean by that, i'm 13

as i meantioned above, and you did to, it's annoying when people don't read the rules

Cap'n 1time
June 11th, 2005, 03:52
YOUR site?

i'm not actually old enough to understand what exactly you mean by that, i'm 13

as i meantioned above, and you did to, it's annoying when people don't read the rules

shut up and dont post if your not going to post anything important. thats all i need to say.

June 11th, 2005, 04:13
Thanks for the link Onetonbullet :D

Well I know this thread falls under that questionable category but I hope the mods don't remove this. There are alot of us who don't have the ability to use all the neat new stuff that's getting posted everyday. At least it's nice to get some kind of answer to this question.

I don't know anything about programing, but logically it seems to me that you can't. In order to be able to "roll back" to 1.0 you would need to hack 1.5 first to do it. Then you would need a working version of 1.0 since I doubt they were even loaded on the newer PSP's (US)

xuphorz - Well in a nutshell it just seems tobe a very unlikely situation, and there are alot of theories. But when it comes down to it there are very few who want to risk the experimentation involved. And who would blame them, I sure wouldn't risk frying my PSP.

ArchAngel - ALL US PSP's are 1.5 so don't get mad at Sam's Club :D

June 11th, 2005, 04:29
Somthing like this is bound to be posted once or twice a month........When a 1.5 exploit is finally released you will see news of it everywhere. Trust me, you wont have to ask about it.

My money is on Xecuter...

June 11th, 2005, 04:35
*OFFTOPIC* Hey 1TimeUser...Do you still mod halo? Did you hear about serenity and insolence? *OFFTOPIC*

EDIT>Fear my double posting power...

June 11th, 2005, 09:06
it's just annoying when people continously post this topic, always do your research, and it looks like you have and found out that people are working on it, on a coders forum. This is as you've probably gathered a news forum and you won't find any hard core coders here so even if you did post a really good theory here, it would get the same interest this one got and sink to the bottom without being properly looked into.

There are n00b comments and newbie coments, ones that have been looked into and draw conclusions saying something that hasn't been answered yet: a newbie comment.

Yours was a n00b comment: posting something thats against the rules and has been done to death on the wrong forum. Like you said and as 1timeuser always says, go2 ps2dev if you want to say a theory like that ( although i suppose that will get the/if not worse come back as this post did).

ps. Of course i knew this was being done onetonbullet, i didn't mean to say that as if i were looking at you wierdly, its just that this has been run into the ground on this forum by people who often don't know what they are talking about.

June 11th, 2005, 10:18
Let's leave the banning or suspending of members to the board mods.

The OP could be a new member asking a legit question or he could be one of the banned idiots we have to put up with - who knows?

June 11th, 2005, 18:58
Well its good to know that people think of all conclusions, but to make it easier, since i couldnt find any information about rolling back 1.0, a *thread* should be stickeyed about rolling back just incase someone else wants to know. The other thread about Hacking/Homebrew on 1.5 seemed to be a big hit, maybe when someone else thinks of the idea, they wont have to search the forum for an exact answer to their question.

Cap'n 1time
June 11th, 2005, 19:32
well.. we do have nexis- the first English speaking psp coder I can think of who is here... but hes not into the whole exploit thing.

*OFFTOPIC* Hey 1TimeUser...Do you still mod halo? Did you hear about serenity and insolence? *OFFTOPIC* [/QUOTE]

i kind of gave that up after i had a bad relationship with the HALOUT mod for UT2k4. I might look into it as Ironforge has some resposability for this though. (and hes a god)

June 11th, 2005, 23:27
I know i know but i have been thinking about it for a while and just need some people to say no so i don't try it.

BUt with a little packet sniffing couldn't you find out exactly were the psp is trying to go... and what file name it is looking for when if looks for an update, then using the same process that the wipe browser used. set a web server locally with the exact same layout of the site the psp is looking for and used the dumped jap firmware (don't understand why it is illegal even one that owns a psp probably has it in there psp somewhere on backup= owns the software) anyways rename the jap firmware to the name of the file that the psp looks for and see if the psp would update to it. just thought i would throw it out there.....

let me now how wrong i am

Cap'n 1time
June 11th, 2005, 23:48
I know i know but i have been thinking about it for a while and just need some people to say no so i don't try it.

BUt with a little packet sniffing couldn't you find out exactly were the psp is trying to go... and what file name it is looking for when if looks for an update, then using the same process that the wipe browser used. set a web server locally with the exact same layout of the site the psp is looking for and used the dumped jap firmware (don't understand why it is illegal even one that owns a psp probably has it in there psp somewhere on backup= owns the software) anyways rename the jap firmware to the name of the file that the psp looks for and see if the psp would update to it. just thought i would throw it out there.....

let me now how wrong i am

your not wrong... but there is alot to it. some of the finest hackers in existence (or at least one of the few people they are working on the psp) can be spoken to at ps2dev.org . i recomend you go their, and read up a bit.

June 12th, 2005, 00:08
i was gonna say nexis, but he is more of a porter and in that line of field than programming the psp, not that im saying he couldn't. I did say to an admin and started a post to be sticked that was to do with anything 1.5 to stop people being left in the dark but it was deleted so we ll just have to deal with these individualy , any waay it creates some excitement. Its still about th place if people care to look...

Famicom DS
June 12th, 2005, 01:14
Hi... I dont know about everyone else, but Im pretty pissed that my PSP came with v1.5 instead of v1.0 (Damned Sams Club).
But the thing Im wondering is... is there any way to erase the PSPs base memory and download a v1.0 firmware into it?

Simply Amazing :rolleyes:

June 12th, 2005, 10:42
Me thinks some people should chill a bit!!