View Full Version : Apple is Britain's 'coolest brand' for second year running

September 24th, 2013, 23:04
Apple has held onto its title of Britain’s “coolest brand”, according to the latest round of voting for the ‘CoolBrands’ list.
The annual vote for 2013/14 included 3,000 consumers and38 “key influencers” (http://www.coolbrands.uk.com/expert-council) including the editor of tech magazine T3, Luke Peters, and a selection of actors, writers, musicians and fashion personalities.
Apple placed first for the second year running, closely followed by Aston Martin at number two and watchmaker Rolex third.
Other high placing tech brands included YouTube, Google and Twitter in sixth, seventh and eight respectively.
Outside of the top 10, other web-based services placed highly, with the BBC’s iPlayer streaming service at 16, Sony at 17 and Sony Music at 18. Music streaming service Spotify placed in 20th position.
Technology also took the win in other non-tech related categories, with the Nike+ FuelBand winning the Health and Fitness category. Nike itself placed fourth in the overall list.
Apple took the crown for the general technology category, with Bang & Olufsen, which came 12th overall, claiming the audio technology win and Samsung, which failed to break the overall top 20, voted as the coolest telecommunications tech brand.
