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View Full Version : New Halo 3 site discovered

June 22nd, 2007, 18:18
via Computer and Video Games (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=166447)

Amidst the Halo 3 viral marketing explosion of the last week, another mysterious website has been discovered.

Known only as "Server 05", the website details tiny tidbits of the Forerunner's background story, through a cool Flash interface.

If you're particularly crafty, you can even unlock a Forerunner "log" movie, which goes some way in explaining why the ancient alien race isn't around any more.

The Forerunners seem to be the central theme of the Halo 3 "Iris" campaign, which Microsoft says is designed "to take gamers on an incredible journey through the Halo Universe".

Link to the website is here (

Anonymous D
June 22nd, 2007, 18:33
you can also download a hidden .txt file...which i wont post the whole thing but a snip of it is....
"{c-match-line-hold} acceptable losses confirmed
{D-com} It's done. By my hands. The pyrrhic solution is ignited. All I have left is the quiet of
space to lull me to sleep. I will dream of you."

Shade Link
June 22nd, 2007, 18:35

June 22nd, 2007, 18:51
This is pretty old, this site been around for weeks, their was a countdown timer on it for the Solstice. On the day of the Solstice that thing came up.

June 22nd, 2007, 19:48
And yet its so very nice....its like a PS2, but a website.

June 23rd, 2007, 09:56
blimey all this lore of halo 3 is making my head hurt all i know is you play some big sexy guy in a green suit and shoot giant aliens.

June 23rd, 2007, 10:01
..And I thought I was the only one here following the Halo ARG.

Anyone here following 3423?

June 24th, 2007, 07:50
Meh, took too long to load so I quit.
