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View Full Version : UK MPs: Google Blocks Child Abuse Images, It Should Block Piracy Too

September 26th, 2013, 22:51
"If Google can block child abuse images, it can also block piracy sites (http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/384421/mps-google-blocks-child-abuse-images-it-should-block-piracy-too), according to a report from MPs, who said they were 'unimpressed' by Google's 'derisorily ineffective' efforts to battle online piracy, according to a Commons Select Committee report looking into protecting creative industries. John Whittingdale MP, the chair of the Committee — and also a non-executive director at Audio Network, an online music catalogue — noted that Google manages to remove other illegal content. 'Google and others already work with international law enforcement to block for example child porn from search results and it has provided no coherent, responsible reason why it can't do the same for illegal, pirated content,' he said."
