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View Full Version : Xbox 360 Ring of Death Song

June 24th, 2007, 16:39
With the numerous posts and news of gamer's Xbox 360 dying on them and giving a Ring of Death, a gamer who has experienced it, decided to show how he feels about it by singing a song and to show how many other people out there have experienced the dreaded ROD. Listen for yourself..


beetroot bertie
June 24th, 2007, 18:04
Interesting. Seems to be little more than a PS3 ad to me.

That said, I'm going to be annoyed if my 360 dies just out of warranty. Asides from an irritating sticking drive door and the odd freeze it's been OK so far (touch wood, finger crossed etc). If it does break down (or when, sorry MS but I'm sceptical) I'll probably defect rather than buying the same hardware again. I kind of wish Sega made hardware still (or Apple for that matter - I'd imagine an Apple console would be fantastic, apart from the price that is). Anyway that all speculation, song kind of sucked imo.

June 24th, 2007, 22:03
*CRIES WITH LAUGHTER* That picture of Bill Gates posing next to a pc was very scary :eek:

Anyway, to all the Microsoft fan boys, i'd check out Smash My Xbox 360 video, the title is false though, they just get a few beers and play on the 360, not smashing it up or anything like that! ;)

June 24th, 2007, 22:30
even out of waranty don't ms have to replace it anyway for a reduced price?