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View Full Version : Watch Dogs will run at 30fps on Xbox One and PS4

September 27th, 2013, 22:23
The developers of Ubisoft’s open-world title Watch Dogs have admitted that the game will not run at 60 frames per second on next-gen consoles.
Creative director Jonathan Morin told VideoGamer (http://www.videogamer.com/xboxone/watch_dogs/news/watch_dogs_is_30fps_on_ps4_and_xbox_one.html) that his studio is currently “focussing on a steady 30fps” for both the Xbox One and PS4 versions of the game.
"There's always a balance, especially for open world, between the simulation and the rest,” he said. "I think for where we are, the most important thing is the steadiness and [ensuring] that it's always capped the same so when you play it, it feels right."
Furthermore, he was not able to confirm that the game will even run natively in 1080p, either, stating that he was unaware whether it would run at full HD or 720p.
The 1080p 60fps dream was an original target for the current generation of machines but ended up being rarely achieved. Many had hoped that next-gen machines would at the very least bring with them a 1080p standard, with 60fps also a widely held expectation.
But an increasing number of games are falling short of this.
Battlefield 4 will reportedly run at 60fps and 1080p but, for instance, Killzone: Shadow Fall will only hit 30fps in single player. Forza 4 will also hit both benchmarks whereas fellow Xbox One launch title Ryse falls short of full HD.
Capcom’s Dead Rising 3, meanwhile, was until recently struggling to hit a steady 30fps, although its devs now claim that this has been achieved.
