View Full Version : PalmMAME v0.19

June 25th, 2007, 00:43
Vilmos (http://www.emuboards.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=28750) has updated the port of Mame for the Tapwave Zodiac, heres whats new:

- Wow. Well I decided it was time to upgrade. So this is almost half-way to my goal of updating to the base MAME 0.37b16
- So all new working original games from 0.37b1 to 0.37b6 are supported unless they had known problems in which case they are disabled.
- This makes the file sizes significantly larger as there are updated cpu cores, some new ones and a ton of games.
- Hacked the CAVE games (Dangun Feveron, Esp Ra. De. and DoDonPachi) to work with palms limited memory. You must turn off the sound to make these games work and (you might want to sit down) YOU WILL NEED AT LEAST 60MEGS of free RAM to play them. They work pretty well on the Zodiac though, quite playable.
- Speedups will be added once the code base is stable again. Anyone wanting to help optimize the speed should contact me! Although nothing will be done until I hit the highest MAME version before the speed drops off.
- Artwork has been updated to support later versions of backgrounds.
- High scores now save and load properly (need a hiscore.dat in your palmmame dir)
- Smash TV and Total Carnage now work!

Download Here (http://www.pocketdimension.com/PD2_DL/PalmMAME_019.zip)