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View Full Version : Standard 80000004 Message...

June 25th, 2007, 18:38
Okay, so I imagine you've all heard this one before a million times.
"The game could not be started. (80000004)" error message is really getting old now. Don't say google it, because I have and I've tried a million different apparent solutions to it, even a few here and I can't find anything - I wouldn't ask if I hadn't looked all over first.

First of all I was running 1.5 and everything was fine. I did a bit of random searching and discovered that 3.40 (and previous versions) could play PSX games and thought I would try that out. So I upgraded to 3.40-OE A. Then I ripped an "ISO" (not BIN at the time) from my FF7 disc and used autopopstation 4 to convert it. It worked and it worked great. I played it a few times and all worked good. I turned it off and played more...Still everything good. Then one random event and I turn it on - It stops loading (I could tell by the little orange light on the left of the PSP) and then said the "The game could not be started. (80000004)" error.

I tried recopying it over from my computer. Didn't change anything. Then tried Game150 and Game340 folders. Nope. Instead came up with the 80010002 or whatever error (which I think means it was in the wrong directory or was searching for something in the wrong directory). I tried deleting the save files, formatting my Memory Stick, re-ripping the ISO, everything. I even downgraded to 1.5 and up to 3.30 to see if that would work. I even ripped it in BIN format, then converting it with PSX2PSP 1.2, and re-upgrading (via recovery) to 3.40 OE and it still didn't work. All ideas are welcome, or please refer me to appropriate topic, but I have looked and none have seemed to work. The oddest part is it DID work at first.

PS: I'm new here, so if this is in the wrong spot I'm sorry, please move it.

factor remix
June 26th, 2007, 02:27
That sucks man, try re-formatting your memorytick OR using other psp...

Maybe try using other memorystick..

June 26th, 2007, 03:31
Body, just try to put a UMD disk in the slot and try again.
Good luck.

June 26th, 2007, 05:32
I tried many times with and without the UMD in it to make sure it wasn't that, as well as with and without the 3 config things in recovery mode. To top that off I reformatted my memory stick in my PSP, and on my computer in both FAT and FAT32 formats. I don't have another PSP (and summer break just started here so I have no access to my friends PSPs either). My only other mem. stick is the old 32 MB. I've covered all the bases I think...but there must've been something I did wrong to screw it up.

June 26th, 2007, 05:35
hold r when you start up your psp

go to configuration

change to 3.40 kernel

theres your problem


June 26th, 2007, 05:42
Even when I go into recovery mode like you said, I can't do that for some reason. I try to select "Configuration" and every time I do it, it just stays green for a few seconds and shuts off (when restarted it still shows the errror). It only does it for that command in there, and the command never worked before - maybe that's why it doesn't work anymore. It didn't work when I'd downgraded to 3.30-OE A either.

July 1st, 2007, 06:00
I've been trying all sorts of things to get it to work the past few days - still nothing. And I don't even know if what you said about the kernel has something to do with it - maybe, but it will never let me into the configuration section. It just stays green and shuts off...:confused:

July 1st, 2007, 08:18
If the options in Advanced Configuration in the recovery menu are switched to "enabled", try to disable all of them. These options turned on caused a lot of trouble to one of my friends.

July 1st, 2007, 11:57
did you see if your memstick is fake???
go to your memcard on xmb press triangle for info and if its real it should be magic gate supported lol i was having psx issues too today *finally got a 2gig* now i'm working on a final fantasy theme

July 2nd, 2007, 09:24
You can thank me later (i registered and everything to tell you this :) ) the reason why u cant run the games anymore is cuz ur flash1 files are corrupt, hence the reason why u cant access the configuration on your recovery menu you need to run Flash1 formatter, do this and everything will be back to normal.


and follow the instructions on the readme

July 3rd, 2007, 02:24
You can thank me later (i registered and everything to tell you this :) ) the reason why u cant run the games anymore is cuz ur flash1 files are corrupt, hence the reason why u cant access the configuration on your recovery menu you need to run Flash1 formatter, do this and everything will be back to normal.


and follow the instructions on the readme


July 3rd, 2007, 11:27
too cool

July 4th, 2007, 18:33
OK im having a similar problem, when i try to play Final Fantasy 8 on my psp, firmware 3.40oe-a it loads the sony icon, and then returns and says error message 80000004 game could not be started, i had the first two cd's on it and when i tried to load the 3rd one it wouldnt work, the other two worked fine, i also have FF Tactics and FFVII on it and they work fine. im thinking it might be the file but i dont know as of yet.

July 8th, 2007, 19:34
You can thank me later (i registered and everything to tell you this :) ) the reason why u cant run the games anymore is cuz ur flash1 files are corrupt, hence the reason why u cant access the configuration on your recovery menu you need to run Flash1 formatter, do this and everything will be back to normal.


and follow the instructions on the readme

You are a god!

July 9th, 2007, 10:23
haha... happy you got ur game to work!