View Full Version : Disc Reading

June 12th, 2005, 18:46
Ok my problem is that when i put a disc in the dreamcast,it loads the disk then after about 7 seconds on the game menu it will cut off and go to the main dreamcast screen ( wear it boots to when you turn it on without a disc) has anyone else had this problem?

June 12th, 2005, 18:59
Does it end up going to the game, or does it shut off right at the SEGA screen? If it's the latter you may need to calibrate your laser. You should wait until someone else answers as well before doing anything to your Dreamcast.

June 12th, 2005, 19:28
No it dosnt shut off at the sega screen it loads the game completly to the game menu then after about 5-7 seconds it will just stop what its doing and go to the main screen wear you have the vmu, play, music etc... options. Kinda like i opended the disc tray but i didnt.

June 12th, 2005, 21:47
It might be the internal lid switch, I picked up a DC for next to nothing that did a similar thing after being dropped.

It'll be a process of elimination finding the fault, starting off with the easiest: dirty lens?, poor CDR media?, scratched/damaged disc?, backup disc?.

You could take the the top cover off your DC and tape back the switch to check it - boot a disc and see if the problem's still there.

Calibrating the laser is the LAST thing you want to be doing to your DC, unless you've got the knowledge and tools, for most users it's guess work via online tuts - check everything else first before you even think about it.

June 12th, 2005, 22:50
Ya its not the switch bc when i tested it i had the lid off with my finger over the switch the entire time.

June 13th, 2005, 16:46
Could be several things, any dodgy behavior with the GD-Rom is usually caused by a dodgy power supply, check the contacts of the PSU are clean and if possible check with multmeter.

It could be a blown cap somewhere which would be near impossible to find/fix.

Does it always wait roughly the same time before returning to the DC menu screen?
Have you tried using a CD lens cleaner - it's ridiculous how many peoples problems are just a dirty lens.

June 13th, 2005, 18:30
ya it returns to the menu screen the same time everytime. No i havnt tried a cleaner yet. Also do you know of an online Dc forum wear i can trade/sell stuff?

June 13th, 2005, 22:28
Yes! this (forums.dcpawnshop.com) is a great site.