View Full Version : THE UNIVERSAL DOWNGRADER ~All Firmwares~

June 27th, 2007, 20:40

THE UNIVERSAL DOWNGRADER v2 by LastPerson - Written by Noobz / Dark_AleX

This is the latest version of the Package that combines the 2.80 Downgrader, 3.03 Downgrader and 3.50 Downgrader into one perfect Package.

Downgrade practically ANY PSP for you, and others, with ease.

Included is an Ultra-Intuitive Read Me that will take you from Installing to Downgrading to 1.5 Wonderland!

Heres an extraction from the Full Readme that you HAVE TO READ!


1) Below 2.80 PSPs should upgrade to 2.80 using the Official Update :


Then use the A) Instructions


2) 2.81 to 3.03 PSPs require a copy of Grand Theft Auto : Liberty City Stories UNPATCHED UMD.

IF you have the game, you are able to downgrade your PSP with the 3.03 Downgrader -
you need to be on 3.03 so use the Official Update if your not on it already :


- IF you have the game, but your PSP is over 3.03, GTA:LCS Unpatched is useless - go to 3)

Then use the B) Instructions


3) 2.81 - 3.50 PSPs require a copy of Lumines (Original, Greatest Hits or Platinum).

IF you have the game, you are able to downgrade your PSP with the 3.50 Downgrader -
you need to be on 3.50 so use the Official Update if your not on it already :


Then use the C) Instructions


(Of course, the Instructions are in the full readme!)


Changes in v2 :

+ Included Source for all Downgraders included
+ 2.80, 3.03 Downgraders changed to Chilly Willy (idstorage) Corruption-Free Versions
+ Added 2.80 HEN (which is required to downgrade 2.80 - it wasn't included with the original Downgrader)
+ Updated 'READ ME FIRST!'

***ONCE DOWNLOADED USE THE INCLUDED ChaosMD5 tool to CHECK THE MD5 of UniversDown.exe***

MD5 : 6CB88CE3752CD42127B6FEF3C8B8D3C5

IF its the same, you can use the package, if not, its Corrupt and MUST be REDOWNLOADED!

DOWNLOAD : MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/?fiqijiz1gwy)


v2.0 MP-Edition Changes :

+ Changed directory structure
+ Updated 'READ ME FIRST!' for MP-Edition

***ONCE DOWNLOADED USE THE INCLUDED ChaosMD5 tool to CHECK THE MD5 of Universal Downgrader v2 MP-Edition.zip***

MD5 : 94507F4CF5C40C5577C87F141364340E

IF its the same, you can use the package, if not, its Corrupt and MUST be REDOWNLOADED!

DOWNLOAD : MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/?9zjdom4zty6)



AvengedSevenfold Fan
June 27th, 2007, 21:08
...ur just taking credit for other ppls work.

June 27th, 2007, 21:11
...ur just taking credit for other ppls work.

... no I'm not.. I don't care for credit, all I care about is that as many people get out of Sonys Limitations... rawr!

June 27th, 2007, 22:13
UNIVERSAL DOWNGRADER by LastPerson - Written by Noobz / Dark_AleX

No he's not.

June 27th, 2007, 22:17
UNIVERSAL DOWNGRADER by LastPerson - Written by Noobz / Dark_AleX

When did you create a PSP Downgrader.

This is pointless makes things even more confusing why can't people just leave them as they are

June 27th, 2007, 22:37
When did you create a PSP Downgrader.

This is pointless makes things even more confusing why can't people just leave them as they are

If you have a good comprehension of english you should be able to understand it.

June 27th, 2007, 23:53
He is saying he put the package together to make it easier...
I hate it when people dont appreciate someone doing something to make everyone else's life easier. He didn't do it for himself, he did it for you guys.

June 28th, 2007, 00:04
He is saying he put the package together to make it easier...
I hate it when people dont appreciate someone doing something to make everyone else's life easier. He didn't do it for himself, he did it for you guys.

Thanks for clearing things up !

the unique warrior
June 28th, 2007, 08:44
AvengedSevenfold Fan: in today's lesson , we're gonna work on English:
How about this statement:

UNIVERSAL DOWNGRADER by LastPerson - Written by Noobz / Dark_AleX
The UNIVERSIAL DOWNGRADER -- which is actually a .exe helping you out downgrading your psp , awesome for new users -- which was made by Last Person. The code was written by Dark_Alex/Noobz.

Now go do you your homework.

June 28th, 2007, 09:49
AvengedSevenfold Fan: in today's lesson , we're gonna work on English:
How about this statement:

The UNIVERSIAL DOWNGRADER -- which is actually a .exe helping you out downgrading your psp , awesome for new users -- which was made by Last Person. The code was written by Dark_Alex/Noobz.

Now go do you your homework.


(There is quite a lot planned for the next ver... look forward)

June 28th, 2007, 19:25
Universal Downgrader v2 RELEASED!



Gold Line
June 28th, 2007, 20:02
ooh this looks helpful! :D

June 29th, 2007, 00:59

Now use the Universal Downgrader on ANY OS!!
