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View Full Version : RAIDEN IV on Dreamcast !?

June 29th, 2007, 09:11

Just a reminder that MOSS still wants to hear your opinion on which platform RAIDEN IV (http://raiden.mossjp.co.jp/raiden4/arcade/opiniondemand.html) should be released. The Dreamcast is one option in their poll so if you want it, go cast your vote now:

RAIDEN IV on Dreamcast? (http://raiden.mossjp.co.jp/raiden4/arcade/opiniondemand.html)

In case your Japanese isn't that good, icepick (http://www.dreamcast-scene.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=12319#12319) from Dreamcast-Scene.com translated all questions to English:

Please cooperate for better product development!
Your opinion and comments will be useful for future development.

Name (Nickname is OK):
(text field)

(_) Male (_) Female

E-Mail address (alphanumeric character/no kanji?):
(text field)

E-Mail address again to verify:
(text field)

May we send to you the latest information on Raiden or general company news to your E-mail address?
(_) Yes please
(_) No thank you

(drop-down select box) (note: select the last option, on the bottom, if you are outside Japan)

If outside Japan, please tell us the name of your country:
(text field) (they might prefer the name of the country in Japanese, but if you can't look it up then maybe any language is fine. I'll probably say "United States," for example.)

(_) 9 or younger (_) 10-14 (_) 15-19
(_) 20-24 (_) 25-29 (_) 30-34
(_) 35-39 (_) 40-44 (_) 45-49

Any comments or requests with regard to the Raiden series?
(text field)

* If possible, please fill out the following questionaire for Raiden IV:

Which of the following do you appeal to in Raiden IV? (select all that apply):
[_] View of the world
[_] Game system
[_] Game balance
[_] Graphics
[_] Mech design
[_] Sound
[_] Game difficulty
[_] Scoring system
[_] Fan of previous Raiden games
[_] Other:
(text field)

Is there anything that you did not like about Raiden IV? (select all that apply):
[_] View of the world
[_] Game system
[_] Game balance
[_] Graphics
[_] Mech design
[_] Sound
[_] Game difficulty
[_] Scoring system
[_] Other:
(text field)

Were you able to play Raiden IV in an arcade?
(_) I have played it
(_) I have not played it yet
(_) I am waiting for a home port
(_) I have no plans to play it

How often do you visit a game center/arcade per month?
(_) Hardly ever (_) 1 time (_) 2-3 times
(_) 4-5 times (_) 6-7 times (_) 8-9 times
(_) 10 times or more

If Raiden IV is ported to a home console, which would you prefer? (select all that apply):
[_] PlayStation 2 [_] PlayStation 3 [_] Xbox 360
[_] Dreamcast (!) [_] Wii [_] Nintendo DS
[_] PSP [_] PC [_] Portable application (?)
[_] Other:
(text field)

Which cellular phone/service do you have?
(_) NTT-DoCoMo
(_) Vodafone (SoftBank)
(_) au (KDDI)
(_) Other:
(text field)

Thank you for the cooperation.

[Submit] (button) [Reset] (button)

[About the handling of personal information] (link)

It took me only three minutes and most questions are optional anyway. Go and vote now! =P

Source - Dreamcast-Scene.com Forums (http://www.dreamcast-scene.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=12319#12319)

July 9th, 2007, 03:32
I put my vote in for Dreamcast. Anyone else?

July 12th, 2007, 23:09
Again, Fukken signed.

July 13th, 2007, 06:38
Wait, didn't they halt GD-ROM production back in febuary?

July 13th, 2007, 13:55
Wait, didn't they halt GD-ROM production back in febuary?

Sega didn't announce it officially

July 14th, 2007, 13:50
lets everyone hope that they will realese it.Dreamcast need it because its geeting completely lost in time.AND WE DONT WANT IT.
Of course i gave my vote

December 28th, 2007, 18:07
there is still hope to get it, just reply to the opinion form :)

February 19th, 2008, 18:37
what is this a shmup? :confused: anyways signed! :D

Dream Project
April 10th, 2008, 05:03
ya got my vote for Dreamcast!!

phil 12
May 23rd, 2008, 04:35
Yo. OMG that looks so sick.

June 8th, 2008, 11:18
Another Vote for DC

June 9th, 2008, 23:14
another one for Dreamcast

June 17th, 2008, 12:13
hell yes people already want my spare dreamcasts

June 18th, 2008, 16:50
It was confirmed for Xbox 360, so we failed :(
