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View Full Version : A Retro, Not Steampunk, Media Center

October 2nd, 2013, 21:32
[toddfx] wanted to put his Raspberry Pi to work and set about creating one of the best stereos we’ve ever seen (http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1770617): It’s called the Audio Infuser 4700, and turns a conglomeration of old disused stereo equipment into a functional piece of art.
[toddfx] used a Raspberry Pi to stream music over WiFi, but also wanted to play some classic vinyl. He took apart an old Yamaha YP-D4 turntable. stripped it to the bone, and created a fantastic oak enclosure around it. To this, he added a seven-band graphic EQ, aux jacks (both in and out), and a tiny 5″ CRT from an old portable TV.
Where this build really gets great is the fabrication. The front panels have all their graphics and lettering engraved via a toner-transfer like method using copper sulphate and salt. [todd] got the idea from this thread (http://electro-music.com/forum/topic-26116.html) and we have to say the results are unbelievable.
Even though this awesome device only used for music, [toddfx] used the tiny color CRT to its fullest. Flick one switch, and it’s an oscilloscope-like display. Flick another switch, and it’s the output of the Raspberry Pi loaded up with a few MAME games including Pacman, Asteroids, and Space Invaders.
[toddfx] put up a build page (http://audio.toddkumpf.com/) for his Audio Infuser and an awesome video for his project, available below.
