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View Full Version : "New Games", DC no mo!

June 15th, 2005, 04:51
I think that the "New games (for Dreamcast) thing should be moved down in the center on the home page, that way DCemu can have a "New Purely PSP Posts" thing, it would help psp'ers a lot.

June 15th, 2005, 07:24
I think that the "New games (for Dreamcast) thing should be moved down in the center on the home page, that way DCemu can have a "New Purely PSP Posts" thing, it would help psp'ers a lot.

My opinion is quite different. PSP and DC are different machines, everyone has its own place, and the best thing will be to create a PSPEmu web, I don't see the need to merge both platforms, it has non sense.

In other words, this is a Dreamcast Emulation web, the best will be to give coverage of both systems but separately.

June 15th, 2005, 08:59
I think that the "New games (for Dreamcast) thing should be moved down in the center on the home page, that way DCemu can have a "New Purely PSP Posts" thing, it would help psp'ers a lot.

hey, buddy, check out the url. "DCEMU.co.uk" the DC doesnt stand for playstation portable. i do think that wraggster should have each of the child sites (ds, gc, psp, etc.dcemu.co.uk) only have the newest 5 games or so. The bigger problem is that it hasnt changed in what? 6 months? even though there have been commercial DC games released in that time.

June 15th, 2005, 11:31
hopefully i will be getting BB at home soon i will be able to update the site again (btw version 2 is still being worked on)

but yeah, dcemu.co.uk is a dc site not a psp one
psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/ is the psp site, it will be getting a face fit at some stage

June 15th, 2005, 13:20
how arrogant, this is a dreamcast site.

June 15th, 2005, 13:45
yeah this is a dreamcast site, but i see always in the home page in the forum news on PSP, :( i don't wont see this, ma only dreamcast news.
Who want news on PSP go to in site PSP EMU, this is DCEMU.

June 15th, 2005, 14:05
well the funny thing to this and i am not sure if anybody has realized this but the forum to this site is attached to all the ones that Darksaviour69 mentioned. So the posts even posted at the PSP site will show up on the Dreamcast site. It seems though this is going to be the next big homebrew system i havent seen this much news and people rambling on about a system this much since PSP was released.


June 15th, 2005, 14:39
well the funny thing to this and i am not sure if anybody has realized this but the forum to this site is attached to all the ones that Darksaviour69 mentioned. So the posts even posted at the PSP site will show up on the Dreamcast site.
Eric, where do you go? you seem to disappear for a week or two and then turn up and state the obvious :D

June 16th, 2005, 22:08
i was being a tad sarcastic, about the "purely psp posts" thing, it would just kinda be neat to have a "strictly DC new news", column thing and then another "new forum(s) news", that way the psp drills don't cap off DC threads like homebrew, emus, and upcoming stuff. would it be very hard? im in trouble, huh?

June 17th, 2005, 11:09
no your not i trouble, i think we got the end of the stick. as i said hopefull the psp post will be excluded in the top ten post on the main dcemu.co.uk site soon

June 26th, 2005, 00:05
not to restate the obvious but this is a DC site, if you love the psp so much why dont you go fnd a psp forum

June 26th, 2005, 01:27
Hold UP. cool it, and take a step back.
i dont love the psp. everything is drowned here by it. that's what i meant, that in order for me to see DC new posts here at DCemu the New Games thing to the right of it should be ripped out, that way the psp new posts could go there, and i could actually see what the heck was popping off, for DC, and the PSP flooders can drown each other, not stuff that actually matters to the console that i own.
Tuck, I don't go to DCemu.co.uk every day to research Pachinko, Anime, recipes, or the PSP, i come here to praise the coders, modders, scene-heads and admins and find out what's happening for my Dreamcast, dowload all the cool emulators n homebrew, and mouth off.

June 26th, 2005, 17:44
i never said anything about cooking, i have no idea where that came from, and if your saying something about me researching cooking, ill have you know, i have like 50 cookbooks