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View Full Version : [PSP] Thank Dark_alex Website

July 4th, 2007, 01:36
The following I hope can be submited as news, as im trying very hard to get this msg all over the place, I have spent my time today to create the site


People can go to this site and write thier quick thank yous to Dark_alex and wish him the best of luck, once there are enough, I will compile them into one nice msg and send them.

There are already 67 thank you msgs within hours. Anyway who uses OE Firmwares and wishes to thank Dark_alex and wish him the best of luck in his life should come sign at this site!

July 4th, 2007, 02:06
i added my thanks to a great dev

July 4th, 2007, 17:34
Im going to post, oh and btw their probably won't be a 3.51OE release anymore will their?

July 4th, 2007, 21:32
I can type, but no way to submit.

July 4th, 2007, 21:51
I can't type at all in that flash box...

July 4th, 2007, 21:57
reload the page.
when i went to the page it had no place to type then i reloaded it and there were text boxes.

July 4th, 2007, 22:40
Im going to post, oh and btw their probably won't be a 3.51OE release anymore will their?

Who knows? There might, it just might not be finished by Dark Alex himself!

July 4th, 2007, 22:48
OK, can we see what others wrote?

July 5th, 2007, 02:20
The reason the submit button or the text fields wouldnt display is due to the fact its using the newst flash (make sure you have the latest flash player) and its embed with an active X control java script for security, so refreshing will make it show.

I thought about making it so you could view what people have wrote, but then when i thought about it, im pretty sure people dont want their e-mails to be views by everyone.

its up to 125 thanks, (really 121 as 4 have been shot by the filter for being "hate" not thanks)
Edit: the filter caught another person with the name "dark_alex" ..thats 2 so far.. its sad to think that anyones really gana believe that >>

and its still getting more thanks, at least 1 per hour, so im going to wait a bit longer before the first bunch is compiled.

edit: another user having a problem with the submit button said this:

" Show image download placeholders "

Twas disabled .. Dunno how that could affected it .. But it works now

so that may fix that problem.

July 5th, 2007, 02:48
What did the hates one say?

July 5th, 2007, 03:12
I delete them all, so i dont remeber, but I did post 2 else where before I deleted them, (both fakes =)- )

Name: Sony <[email protected] om>
E-mail: [email protected] m
Comment: Thank you Dark_Alex for leaving. You will sorely not be missed.

Name: Dark Alex
E-mail: [email protected]
Comment: Thanks guys, but I fail, I could care less about this stupid PSP. I got a girlfriend and all of you fail now. Thanks!

the others are deleted and I didnt post anywhere else.

July 5th, 2007, 03:14
Probably from the sony fanboys, you wouldn't believe the thread at the playstation message boards.

July 5th, 2007, 03:17
I posted my comment, he was a good man ;)

July 5th, 2007, 03:23
Probably from the sony fanboys, you wouldn't believe the thread at the playstation message boards.

yeah, actually i got that msg only about 5 mins after I posted the link to the site on that thread lol.

July 5th, 2007, 04:10
I posted my comment, he was a good man

You make it sound as if he died! lol :rofl: