View Full Version : News: World first Vector based Map Viewer

July 4th, 2007, 10:24
Hi guys, check this out.
http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.moby.cn%2Fbbs%2Fviewt opic.php%3Ff%3D4%26t%3D4&langpair=zh%7Cen&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&prev=%2Flanguage_tools

July 4th, 2007, 11:15
It has nothing to do with Mapthis, has it?

Apart from that it is a mapviewer like Mapthis?

July 4th, 2007, 11:16
it took a couple of tries but I got the program running and I have to say it's very interesting, I know it's a long shot but does anybody think this could be integrated with MapThis to allow on-the-fly route calculation

July 4th, 2007, 13:02
i think this is very interesting and to see if both programs can somehow be intergrated...only if this program does what is says.......I dont live in mexico or china

July 4th, 2007, 15:28
I hope this is not te end of Mapthis. Vector based maps are MUCH smaller.

Hopefully all of In7ane's work isn't for nothing.

Maybe il7ju and Deniska, Atari800 and MIB.42 can work together :) :)

July 4th, 2007, 16:38
Cool project, although not open-source yet.
As far as route calculation - I doubt that a useful one would surface soon. There is no good open data and alghorithms available yet. Take a look at "Roadnav" - in cities it plots unrealistic routes 50% of time due to lack of directional data for one-way streets in TIGER data.

BTW, roadnav has a pretty cool vector engine which may have a shot at porting to PSP...

July 4th, 2007, 22:51
Deniska with this project in mind, will you still continue developing Mapthis ?

Is it too easy to say that we can port TomTom maps to that viewer ?

July 14th, 2007, 17:05
Vector maps are great. But what is really cool about MapThis! is the ability to use satellite imagery and the ability to make your own maps of areas (Currently making a map of Costa Rica) that companies like NavTeq will probably never get around to doing. Not their fault, really. They're trying to make a buck, and most in the 3rd world aren't going to be buying GPS maps in any great quantities any time soon.