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View Full Version : SEGA's The Club: New Screens And Info

July 7th, 2007, 00:40
via Spong (http://news.spong.com/article/13087?cb=572)

SEGA's just hit us up with a barrage of new screens, artwork and info for its upcoming shooter, The Club. Because SPOnG doesn't feel there are enough sports in the world that involve ragtag mercenaries and homeless people hurting each other, we thought we'd share.

First up is a spot of detail on NYPD hard-ass Renwick. SEGA tells us:

“A tough, no nonsense, NYPD Detective of more than 30 years standing and one of the most decorated cops on the force. Renwick first picked up rumours of The Club – some kind of freak-circuit, under ground snuff show entertainment – from his contacts in the New York underworld. Intrigued and sickened by what he was hearing, he tried to investigate further, but found all his official lines of inquiry blocked by NYPD bureaucratic intransigence. The harder he pushed the more resistance he encountered. The Club must have powerful allies within the Mayor’s office or the NYPD, because not only was Renwick taken off the case, but, when he tried to go to the press with his suspicions, convincing but trumped-up allegations of bribe-taking were suddenly brought against him.

“Forced to resign to avoid a scandal and possible criminal charges, Renwick continued his investigation unofficially, using his own time and money to try and break the veil of secrecy surrounding The Club. He must have got closer than he knew, or finally irritated The Club enough to make them do something about him, because what he thought was a new lead turned out to be an ambush, with The Club enforcers waiting for him. The Club’s money men were obviously unimpressed with Renwick’s persistence.”

Next up is the Siberian Dragov, affectionately known as 'The Beast':

”Heavily-tattooed, mountainously-built, a Siberian hunter, a trapper and a bandit, Dragov is unarguably the most wanted criminal in Russian history. Originally, it took three platoons of Spetsnaz Special Forces to capture him, but they couldn’t keep him captive for long and he broke free, slaughtering his way out of Russia’s most secretive and brutal gulag prison, fleeing on foot across hundreds of miles of frozen tundra wilderness.

“Military helicopters were sent in hot pursuit, snipers aboard given strict orders to shoot to kill. But someone somewhere had heard of Dragov's brutal and daring escape and decided he would be worth a lot more alive than dead. A swift phone call was made directly to the powers that be at the Kremlin and almost immediately the helicopter snipers were ordered not to kill Dragov, but to bring him in alive. Swapping their bullets for tranquiliser darts, they tracked Dragov down and fired shot after shot into the fugitive figure. Finally, with a terrifying bellow of rage, Dragov collapsed and spiralled into unconsciousness. Upon awaking he would discover that he had become the newest recruit to The Club, with freedom promised for surviving the deadly contest.”

Also dished up was some information on a couple of the locations you'll get to 'club out' pain in. You can find out more about the Prison Cells here, and the Steel Mill (which SPOnG had a bit of a poke around when we previewed The Club) here.

Now, without further ado, cast your eyes over the screens and artwork of the Steel Mill and Dragov below.