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View Full Version : I have offically concluded that iPhones are gay.

July 8th, 2007, 23:36
They cost too much, in the first place, there not coming out in canada for at least 1/2 a year, data plans in canada suck hard, its like 100$ a month for unlimited, and unlimited is never really unlimited, honestly, who wants to pay 599$ for an iphone, and thats US$, thats close to 630$, on a two year F**king plan, OH and the only provider is going to be Rogers Wireless, AND I HATE ROGERS, iphones in canada are the stupidest thing ever, just try and prove me wrong, Iv thought long and hard about this.

Oh and you have to buy a data plan aswell as an airtime package!

EDIT: and i forgot the F**king 14% tax so take a, oh, lets say 649.99$ iPhone x 1.14 = 750$ or a big f**king kick in the nuts

iPhone = WTF

July 8th, 2007, 23:41
600 Canadian dollars equals 285 British pounds. I bet over here that would wind up being some £500-£600 here. I would not get the iPhone in any case.

July 8th, 2007, 23:42
Your right those phones are not worth that much money. I would definantly rather buy a PS3 over an Iphone.

July 8th, 2007, 23:44
Jesus, if they come out for what they are coming out for in canada I would get one.

The phone I'm about to get is 300gbp.

July 8th, 2007, 23:45
AHHHH F**k ps3 too, there still too expensive, iv payed less than 1/2 the price of a ps3 for my wii, and had 500 times more fun then i ever did playing my friends PS3. AND i still hate iPhone

PS3 + iPhone = WTF !!!

July 9th, 2007, 00:17
why do you keep saying things you hate with ftw on the end.

FTW means For The Win...

July 9th, 2007, 00:24
i dont care, i alawys just used it a re-arangement of WTF, but ill change it for you trivium, and so i dont look like such an idiot.

July 9th, 2007, 00:24

July 9th, 2007, 00:28

Thanks for adding to the disscussion ! :D :confused:

i think the only people who are going to buy the iPhone are going to be Spoiled university students coming off a coke binge.

July 9th, 2007, 00:59
Man im not sayin the PS3 is the cheapest thats why i bought the wii too. Thats why I bought the wii for only$200 and tons of games. Agreed Iphone and PS3 suck. unless your really rich.

July 9th, 2007, 01:16
lol, im over it, well not the iPhone thing, the PS3 thing.

July 9th, 2007, 01:27
heres why they suck in America. They are $599, just too get the phone itself. Then you must activate it, and to get all the features it is a lil under $2700 for one year. The ONLY provider is AT&T/Cingular (I think), has only a 7 hour battery, and...well...that's just retarded. OH, and they didn't work after everyone got em. AT&T servers overloaded and the phones wouldn't work lmao

July 9th, 2007, 01:53

July 9th, 2007, 01:55
They suck everywhere

July 9th, 2007, 02:09
I have a phone with MMS text messaging, and I can surf the web and youtube at home.

Why the hell would anyone want one anyways?

July 9th, 2007, 02:29
for 300$ more i bought my laptop, and its weird, i can take it every where, and another weird fact, it doesnt cost me a penny !

July 9th, 2007, 03:23

Wii is definitely the overhyped champion.

PS3 is still too expensive, agree.
Iphone looks promising but hell yeah! 2 times the price of a psp... That way too much.

July 9th, 2007, 03:24
Wow, I guess all those companies should really apologize to you for providing you with a quality product that since you don't want automatically sucks and makes them total jerks for creating competition and giving you even better choices than the ones that suck. I mean really, what the hell is their problem? Putting their jobs on the line trying to bring America a new line of products to help further the consumers options. Oh yeah, and where the hell do they get off pricing their products in a way that although they still take a loss from each sale (well from the ps3, Im not so sure about the iphone) and yet its still not low enough for you to consider buying it. Ugh, it just makes me so mad...

But really though, everyone always flames products or speculates on whos system is better, or which one is gonna beat out all the rest, or what just totally sucks like "Wii blows!", "Ps3's too expensive!!!!!" etc. Just give it a freaking rest once in a while. Remember the good old days when people hated fanboys? Don't you remember?! Those were the best days of all......

July 9th, 2007, 03:32
well, cataphrax, its really about them putting in unnecessary features just so you have to spend all this extra money buying more of their products. Like look at the PS3. It's made so you need to pay for both the games AND the expensive blu-ray disks, which they dont even use the full capacity of anyway!
And it's their fault they lose money off of them. They shouldn't make them with so much extra stuff that you'd never use, which just brings up the price.

July 9th, 2007, 03:42
Well perhaps you should give some credit to sony. Yeah now their not using it to it's full capacity but since they crammed it full of so much extra crap, it won't go out of date for years and eventually programmers will need that cell processor and the blu-ray discs. Whos to say whether or not they introduced the technology too early for the market. But I do know they need a high capacity format, and it's not like they could use HD.

Plus how can you say that with all the psp, ds, and wii bashing goin on out there, it's not like their crammed worth of worthless features that make them cost too much. I just think this whole console war thing is getting a little ridiculous

July 9th, 2007, 04:16
Wow, I guess all those companies should really apologize to you for providing you with a quality product that since you don't want automatically sucks and makes them total jerks for creating competition

What the F**k are you talking about, there is no competition, thats the hole point, is that this big corporation can charge loay customers out the nose for there " must have " product, im saying its rediculous that people will just stand by and bend over for these companies to screw them.

I mean really, what the hell is their problem? Putting their jobs on the line trying to bring America a new line of products to help further the consumers options.

Further consumer options, more like trim the herd, keep them happy by giving them somthing new to buy! HA an like hell this will " further consumer options" by what apple magically giving away its technology, like hell.

Oh yeah, and where the hell do they get off pricing their products in a way that although they still take a loss from each sale (well from the ps3, Im not so sure about the iphone) and yet its still not low enough for you to consider buying it. Ugh, it just makes me so mad...

He he he ..... im on a roll, PS3, firstly, is a s**t box, and if they cant make a product that is affordable for THEM to make, then where the hell do they get off selling it to you ? do you like getting screwed ? need to buy a bunch of 70$ games and controllers so people dont feel like idiots for designing such a peice of S**T!

and where the hell do get off telling me that its because of overpriced hardware that i wont buy it, accually, what delegates to the rest of the consumers what they should be paying, the corporation that makes the product, because there not going to lower the price when a fat old white man can afford to buy all his kids iPhones, im really just sick of the iPod as a whole. and your point of veiw :D

But really though, everyone always flames products or speculates on whos system is better, or which one is gonna beat out all the rest, or what just totally sucks like "Wii blows!", "Ps3's too expensive!!!!!" etc. Just give it a freaking rest once in a while. Remember the good old days when people hated fanboys? Don't you remember?! Those were the best days of all......

Wii will rule the earth. No dout about it. and im not a nintendo fanboy, i like microsoft, The prices just dont seem to agree with my wallet :( so i hope you see the error in your ways and go buy an iPhone to make your self feel better!

Well perhaps you should give some credit to sony. Yeah now their not using it to it's full capacity but since they crammed it full of so much extra crap, it won't go out of date for years and eventually programmers will need that cell processor and the blu-ray discs. Whos to say whether or not they introduced the technology too early for the market. But I do know they need a high capacity format, and it's not like they could use HD.

Plus how can you say that with all the psp, ds, and wii bashing goin on out there, it's not like their crammed worth of worthless features that make them cost too much. I just think this whole console war thing is getting a little ridiculous

I accually agree with you, but why the hell would sony release a product that so far a head of its time, look what happened to the dreamcast, it bombed, it was expensive and ahead of its time. Ps3 might pull through, but lets hope not.

July 9th, 2007, 04:43
I'm not saying you have to buy their crap, I'm saying that the whole f*cking point of Capitalism is growth through competition and if nobody releases anything cause their afraid its not gonna be good enough for everyone then why the f*ck even bother.
Secondly, how can you agree with me over the excess of pointless speculation and console bashing and yet fill your whole post full of it?

What do you mean trim the herd? It's a product aimed at a different market. One that can afford and can deal with the decadence of a product such as the iphone and just cause apple didn't have you in mind when they were designing it and didn't do it exactly the way you or someone else want's merits your fantastic bias? In America, the UK and just about every country in the world you have the freedom to choose what you want and don't want to buy. I don't see how you can get "f*cked in the a**" by Sony or Apple if you dont buy their product. Because at the end of the freaking day it isn't your only choice, theres a wealth of mobile phones, video game systems, media players and whatnot on the market and you just simply can't bash a company for releasing a product just because it sucks. Sure you can bash the product. I can't guarantee you anyone will listen or care but it's hardly the companies fault that you dont want it and thus their some sort of evil anti-trust monopolizing bunch of bastards who are gonna make you buy it.

July 9th, 2007, 04:49
I'm not saying you have to buy their crap, I'm saying that the whole f*cking point of Capitalism is growth through competition and if nobody releases anything cause their afraid its not gonna be good enough for everyone then why the f*ck even bother.
Secondly, how can you agree with me over the excess of pointless speculation and console bashing and yet fill your whole post full of it?

What do you mean trim the herd? It's a product aimed at a different market. One that can afford and can deal with the decadence of a product such as the iphone and just cause apple didn't have you in mind when they were designing it and didn't do it exactly the way you or someone else want's merits your fantastic bias? In America, the UK and just about every country in the world you have the freedom to choose what you want and don't want to buy. I don't see how you can get "f*cked in the a**" by a Sony or Apple if you dont buy their product. Because at the end of the freaking day it isn't your only choice, theres a wealth of mobile phones, video game systems, media players and whatnot on the market and you just simply can't bash a company for releasing a product just because it sucks. Sure you can bash the product. I can't guarantee you anyone will listen or care but it's hardly the companies fault that you dont want it and thus their some sort of evil anti-trust monopolizing bunch of bastards who are gonna make you buy it.

when a product is aimed at the top 10% of the population that can "afford it" what the hell happens to the rest of the people who cant, they go to cheaper alternatives i guess, but why dont these companies make a product that everyone can afford ? because then they can charge whatever the hell they want to people, but i suppose it is up to the end consumer, and by trim the herd, i meant, kill off the competition.
So people of Dcemu, you can be COOL like cataphrax and just follow the rest of the cattle to slaughter OR you could just live without an iPhone. like im going to do, unless i find one in the trash bin, where it belongs, then ill sell it to you cataphrax.

July 9th, 2007, 04:59
Wow, since when did defending a company for releasing a product (that is what companies do, yeah?) mean that I want anything to do with that product. I don't even want to think about buying an Iphone or a PS3. Your acting like it's evil to have luxury products, like it's some sort of brainwashing. Besides which, how the hell are they killing off the competition if not everyone can afford it. Not all rich people buy the best anyway. If the Iphone and the PS3 suck so much than technically no one should buy and as far as the market is concerned, not many people really did. So why does that make everyone who bought one cows? Is it because there are other cheaper products out there that deliver the same thing? IS it because we're all being coerced into buying it because theres no other choice besides Apple or Sony? No, it's cause you apparently don't understand. And if all these companies made things that everyone can afford than who would cater to the rich? Also, most of the things targeted to the rich end up coming down in price and becoming available to the general public. What I still don't understand is why you hate Apple and the PS3 so much? Is it because you can't afford it? Is it because you think it's evil? Do only dumb people who have enough money buy it? I really don't get it. They aren't killing off competition as they aren't selling all that well compared to their competition and while the apple brand name is powerful, its not like its enough to "lead the cattle to slaughter" (what the hell is that supposed to mean?!). They aren't screwing people since people make the decision to buy those products, it is not made for them and if they were too lazy to research alternatives and they had the money for one, than thats their own problem. And they aren't all that crappy either. The PS3 is a massively powerful machine and the Iphone is a sleek phone that does everything it's supposed to do fine. If all the ps3's and iphones that were being sold suddenly exploded or fell apart i would understand but even if they did, Apple or Sony is obligated to fix them or face the federal consequences. So with all that out of the way, I don't really understand why your so angry at Apple and Sony.

July 9th, 2007, 05:05
I dont know, honnestly, maybe im just looking to vent off some anger, and a multi billion dollar corporation doesnt give a F**k about anything i think or you think, people are still going to buy iPhones no matter what anybody does, because they dont have better things to spen their money on, f**k send your money to some one who needs it, a 700$ iPhone could feed a small african village for a year, or provide treatment for aids, so make your choice, aids, or iPhone, im sticking with aids thank you verymuch.

July 9th, 2007, 05:11
lol, peer pressure.

July 9th, 2007, 05:16
Since when did we get iinto aids? There's plenty of pointless buisness done that could easily aid others. First of all, why the hell do you think they don't care what you think?! It's their job to care. If they don't care than they don't release a product that people want and no brand name or media coverage or buzz of any kind will push a crappy product that no one wants. And don't act like your some f*cking jesus whos gonna save the world by eliminating the iphone.

because they dont have better things to spen their money on, f**k send your money to some one who needs it, a 700$ iPhone could feed a small african village for a year, or provide treatment for aids, so make your choice, aids, or iPhone, im sticking with aids thank you verymuch.
The iphone isn't evil, it's just a product and it's your own goddamn opinion whether you like it or not. But don't tell me that since your not buying an iphone that your gonna send money to an African village or cure aids or whatever. First of all, all products will inevitably help someone by providing them with a job and believe it or not, people assemble those Iphones, and they aren't rich as*holes who don't care about anyone, their probably sweatshop or factory workers in a foreign country who although the pay is bad and the hours suck took the job cause it beats the hell out of prostitution or working in a farm for pennies a month. Yeah, an iphone probably could feed and African village for a month but people aren't that good. You can't just send 700 bucks to some random guy in Africa or some charity and know that it will actually do what you meant it to do. Bottom line is, no ones forcing you to buy it, no one is suffering because you do buy it, no one is getting screwed or brainwashed and in no way does buying an iphone mean that you don't care about people in Africa or the AIDS problem. Also the statement that people will buy iphones because theres nothing else to buy is in itself completely ridiculous as people don't just buy anything thats put in front of their face if they had enough money for it. Take you for an example, you seem to have 700 dollars seeing as your going to donate it to all those poor people in Africa, and the Iphone is available to you and your not going to buy it. People buy things cause they wan't them, not because they just can.

July 9th, 2007, 05:17
Its not peer preasure lol, its societys pressures, people are told that there not good enough if they dont have the newest thing out, and the social elite dictate what is cool and whats not cool.

im not trying to be some f**king crusader against the iPhone, well at least i started out that way, i was mearly pointing out the flaws in the pricing. BTW i didnt say that people were suffering because people buy iPhones, i was just saying that there are BETTER things to spend money on.

July 9th, 2007, 05:21
Who the hell has ever told you that you suck or aren't good enough because you don't have an iphone or a ps3? No ones ever put me down for not wanting one. Please, if anyone has been seriously put down by Apple or the media or Sony or whoever simply because you didn't buy an iphone or a ps3 please speak up now. Also, what social elite? Paris Hilton, yeah people respect her... Actors? Politicians? Your operating on a ridiculous view of society and I would find it insulting that you think humanity is that stupid and decadent if it weren't such a silly idea in the first place.

July 9th, 2007, 05:31
You really dont think that society doesnt put pressure on people to buy these things, like i dont know what care free world you live in but unfourtunatly these pressures do exist with in your surroundings, maybe on a subliminal level, maybe not, maybe im JUST F**KING WHACKY and your right? but i dont see how you can say that 600-700$ is a reasonable price for somthing like that.

why dont we just agree to disagree, before we both get banned for fighting.

July 9th, 2007, 05:40
Nah, they can't ban us for "debating". I suppose the media puts pressure on people to buy things, but that is the point of advertising yeah? To get people intrested. And yeah, I agree it is a ridiculous price, but it hardly makes it evil if people are willing to pay it and have a choice. I don't know anyone whos ready to break under all the pressure and just buy an iphone so all the cool people will stop making fun of him.

July 9th, 2007, 05:45
I suppose that most normal people arnt effected that heavily by the media and society, and it doesnt make the people who buy the "evil" it just means they had a momentary lapse in judgment, in my opinion. you may not share that opinion, but that is what makes the world go around. anyways, im off to bed, as iv just relised that is close to 1am, and im going to fall asleep on my key board.

edit : sweet my 555th post
double edit : i hope theres no hard feelings at all cataphrax as we were just debating and its all good, nice to meet you, welcome to Dcemu !

July 9th, 2007, 06:23
Eh, i'm not done with you yet!!!! But yeah, it's late and I'm tired. Nice to meet you too.

July 9th, 2007, 06:43
Wii will rule the earth.

DS sure will. but Wii gonna sink. :D

July 9th, 2007, 07:09
Yeah, i know our posts were long and full of unfamiliar words, but please, all this speculation on whats gonna win and whats not is ultimately pointless as your not gonna change anyones opinion and its likely no one will change yours.

July 10th, 2007, 09:33
Damn, I missed the debate train :D

I think that the Iphone is much too high for the general population, but think of what it will do for everyone. I mean, if they bring in a lot of great stuff into their product, soon everyone else will have to top them, and eventually price will drop untill it's like it's a normal phone. I do agree with Man on the fact that it seems a little crazy to start with a price that high with few cheaper alternatives, but hey, I bought my Ipod for 450 canadian (in total) and it was a 15 GB 3rd generation. I could have bought a way better one if I had waited, and for less money, but I still really liked it while it lasted, (3 years). So IMHO, yes the companies can be asses, but when the price goes down, that's when you should buy, and profits maximize:D

July 10th, 2007, 11:48
I will get one for free when I upgrade my contract here in the UK.

July 10th, 2007, 12:29
nice one dejkirkby!

July 10th, 2007, 14:35
They would have to pay me, because data plans are super expensive in canada

July 10th, 2007, 15:26
man i'm sick of americans and canadians moaning about prices. THINGS COST MORE THAN DOUBLE OVER HERE SO QUIT MOANING. only we are allowed to moan because of our MEGA INFLATED prices. i remember brooksyx (don't get me wrong i like the guy) saying "i'm not paying $80 for a game, that is too much". it was guitar hero 2 for 360, which is £70 here, and £70 converts to $140! NORMAL games here work out at $80! the iphone will simply have the us$ sign changed to a gb£ one, so we will pay DOUBLE.

July 10th, 2007, 16:33
Ya youll get f**ked too, thats even worst, hom much do the new ipod nano 4GBs cost over there ? are you getting screw on them too ?

ok so iv been looking at all the iphone videos on youtube, and the thing is pretty amazing, but still not worth 600-700$ i mean if it was like 300, i would snach it up in a heartbeat, but because i already have a phone, i just need an ipod, i think im going to buy somthing else.

July 10th, 2007, 17:07
It gonna be £500 to "buy" one in the UK.
That's like $1,012 US.

Thank the Lord for contracts!

July 10th, 2007, 17:31
Dude, right there, I saw it, you said the Iphone is cool if it weren't so expensive. Therefore the only reason you hate it and think it's some tool of some corporate agenda to screw us all is cause it costs too much?! Isn't that a little wierd hating a company and their products because they cost too much? If it was anything but the right price than you could buy it on ebay for cheap. With inflation some game systems launched at over a thousand dollars and people are whining about 500 (if you get the one with the smaller hdd). Companies can't just price it whatever they want, they price it in a way that allows them to make the most amount of money, if it's too high for the product it fails, if it's too low they don't make any money. The price seems perfectly reasonable to me for cramming a phone, an ipod, a web browser, a pda, a couple gigs of storage, and possibly more into a tiny sleek package like that.

July 10th, 2007, 18:02
one word Archos, there products are 1/2 the price, and have 2X the storage, accually the have close to 10X the storage, your right, if the price is to high it will fail, or if people are dedicated to brand names, and are willing to pay whatever it takes, then thats fine, still i would never pay that much for a phone, ever .

July 10th, 2007, 19:26
They cost too much, in the first place, there not coming out in canada for at least 1/2 a year, data plans in canada suck hard, its like 100$ a month for unlimited, and unlimited is never really unlimited, honestly, who wants to pay 599$ for an iphone, and thats US$, thats close to 630$, on a two year F**king plan, OH and the only provider is going to be Rogers Wireless, AND I HATE ROGERS, iphones in canada are the stupidest thing ever, just try and prove me wrong, Iv thought long and hard about this.

Oh and you have to buy a data plan aswell as an airtime package!

EDIT: and i forgot the F**king 14% tax so take a, oh, lets say 649.99$ iPhone x 1.14 = 750$ or a big f**king kick in the nuts

iPhone = WTF

iPhone is only like $400(US) in China, plus the ones in China are unlocked so you can use it on any network. If I ever get one I will buy from China just like I bought my 1st PSP, but I don't want one

July 10th, 2007, 19:30
I dont trust things from china anymore, after my PSP memory stick broke and i lost all my game saves, like iv seen soo many scams that come out of china, like there was a guy on ebay selling Mackbook pros for like 1000$, and the ads were all scams. but if you can accually find a good distributor in china then i guess your set.

July 10th, 2007, 20:39
I dont trust things from china anymore, after my PSP memory stick broke and i lost all my game saves, like iv seen soo many scams that come out of china, like there was a guy on ebay selling Mackbook pros for like 1000$, and the ads were all scams. but if you can accually find a good distributor in china then i guess your set.

I've bought 5 MemSticks from China and they all work fine and I've had my 1st PSP almost a year, the only one that I bought that didn't work was my 4GBduo (but I got my money back). Also another thing I bought from China was an ANGEL Season 1-5 boxset, it was fake and I complained and got a refund (and got to keep it)...

...China isn't so bad, cause if they screw you, you can screw them back by keeping the item and getting a full refund by making a PayPal dispute :D

July 10th, 2007, 21:09
ya, but i dont have a paypal account, btw, i ordered another original PSP memory stick. so its all good.

July 11th, 2007, 12:06
they sound expencive.....but i bet they come worse in the UK we always get ripped off worse than other contries!

July 11th, 2007, 15:13
Your right those phones are not worth that much money. I would definantly rather buy a PS3 over an Iphone.

same here. and the iphone has a max batery life of about 8 hours. thats probly if ur doin nothing with it.

ps: im posting this on my psp. took 4ever.

July 11th, 2007, 16:25
600 Canadian dollars equals 285 British pounds. I bet over here that would wind up being some £500-£600 here. I would not get the iPhone in any case.

Ok, I've had enough of you brits saying stupid shit like that. The price is the same there as it is here, you all make the same amount in minimum wage (5.05£ vs 5.45$), and so when something is 500$ here and 500£ there, it is costing the same relative to the standard of living in both places.

July 11th, 2007, 17:12
Ok, I've had enough of you brits saying stupid shit like that. The price is the same there as it is here, you all make the same amount in minimum wage (5.05£ vs 5.45$), and so when something is 500$ here and 500£ there, it is costing the same relative to the standard of living in both places.
Total baloney!
If this was right, this would make the exchange rate totally redundant. Switching the $ for £ and trying to sell it in the UK is totally crap.
By your reckoning, the country that enjoys the most lavish lifestyle should pay the more expensive price. That would be the Americans then, but this says they get it a damn site cheaper, relatively speaking.
And for someone is a position as yourself on a UK-based site to make a comment like your first sentence is morally abhorrent!

July 11th, 2007, 18:06
Total baloney!
If this was right, this would make the exchange rate totally redundant. Switching the $ for £ and trying to sell it in the UK is totally crap.
By your reckoning, the country that enjoys the most lavish lifestyle should pay the more expensive price. That would be the Americans then, but this says they get it a damn site cheaper, relatively speaking.
And for someone is a position as yourself on a UK-based site to make a comment like your first sentence is morally abhorrent!

Explain your reasoning. Minimum wage here is ~5$ an hour. Minimum wage there is ~5£ an hour. Why shouldn't something that costs 500$ here cost 500£ there?

The argument about exchange rate has to do with international trade, geopolitical economics, and going on holiday in the other country. It makes perfect sense to sell products based on the amount of purchasing power the intended buyers have. If it takes an american earning minimum wage 100 hours to afford an iPhone or PS3, why shouldn't a brit have to work the same number of hours to buy it?

July 12th, 2007, 02:14
Thanks for draging the thread off topic, lol in offtopic, but i want to know your oppinions on the iphone

July 12th, 2007, 02:41
Thanks for draging the thread off topic, lol in offtopic, but i want to know your oppinions on the iphone

Overhyped, but as always Apple has proven it's ability to take a product that has existed for many years and add the finishing touches that allow it to be accessible (in terms of ease of use, not price) to the general drooling masses.

Sorry for taking this a bit off topic, but seeing as your major gripe was the price of the thing, I thought it was relevant. Also, my point goes towards yours with the pricing of the unit in canada. Since your minimum wage is between 7 and 8.50 (CAD) as opposed to the 5.50 of the US, yours being priced at 650 as opposed to 500 is actually on par with your earnings too.

That being said, it IS really expensive regarless of the country or pricing system.

July 12th, 2007, 02:45
Everything in Canada is more expensive, but apparently wages are higher.

Xx FightStar xX
July 12th, 2007, 11:42
That being said, it IS really expensive regarless of the country or pricing system.

Couldn't agree more

July 12th, 2007, 13:31
Minnimum wage for students in canada is 7.50, in ontario and it vries from province to province, iv seen online ads for jobs in alberta and BC and there are dishwashers making 16$ and hour !!!

July 12th, 2007, 19:56
I make 8. Show me the dishwashing for 16

July 12th, 2007, 20:45
http://www.jobbank.gc.ca/JobResult_en.aspx?ProvId=10&Sources=JobBank,%20Government&Student=Only i cant find the acual job posting, but this is the government job bank, check it out Snesrox, they also have a section for non student jobs

July 12th, 2007, 21:47
i have concluded that i like canadians.

and iphone is still an awesome piece of kit, with a ridiculous price tag.

much like ps3, but that is changing.

July 12th, 2007, 21:49
Ya, im liking the competitive price tag on the ps3 now, i still wont buy one, im going to buy a 360 for halo 3, but i need to save enough to buy a decent HD TV before that.

July 12th, 2007, 21:54
i already have a 360, but it started freezing and is getting collected for repairs on monday...:(

anyway who needs the iphone. i got a new phone today as my old one broke. phones aren't my "thing" and i only use it for calling and texting. i picked this up for £10 at the orange shop! YAY crappy phone! i actually really like it! http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:-Cwehx0J5-kfSM:http://www.alt1040.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/motofone.jpg

July 12th, 2007, 23:45
Dammit! That's nice for only £10.

July 13th, 2007, 00:28
AHHHH F**k ps3 too, there still too expensive, iv payed less than 1/2 the price of a ps3 for my wii, and had 500 times more fun then i ever did playing my friends PS3. AND i still hate iPhone

PS3 + iPhone = WTF !!!

Words of wisdom through and through...

With the 360s holiday lineup being the best in console history, I might buy a 360 for my friend just so he can experiance its greatness too! :)

July 13th, 2007, 00:28
Damn thats some thrifty sh*t right there.

July 14th, 2007, 06:21
Damn thats some thrifty sh*t right there.

???????????????? what??????????????:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

July 14th, 2007, 12:17
Dammit! That's nice for only £10.

you do realise it only looks nice from the outside but the display is only black/white and is basically 2 lines of calculator and some imprinted icons? hell i love it!

July 14th, 2007, 13:10
So I already have a PSP, GP2X, laptop, iPod Nano (first gen 4gb, rockboxed), and a cell phone. Do I really need an iPhone? I think not. It's way too overpriced for my liking and looks like it would scratch and smudge all to hell.

I got all my sh!t either used or at a heavily discounted price, granted my cell phone is only good for texting and receiving calls, completely living up to its 'phone' side very well. Plus it was free.

Not only that, I have a rant about phones playing music. It gets really f*cking annoying to hear some of the worst/overplayed songs getting used as ringtones. These people usually never answer their phones until the ENTIRE song has played twice. I think if you want an mp3 player, get a damn mp3 player. Phones with mp3 playback capability are a bad idea in any case. The battery life is generally shorter and I am generally sick of the songs being used for ringtones. My ringtone is a very loud fart, how hilarious is that?

*edit* gdf, I got a phone similar to that. It's a great phone.