View Full Version : The Game Controllers That Shaped the Way We Play

October 12th, 2013, 22:29
Neal Stephenson's ambitious sword fighting Kickstarter Clang has run into financial troubles, and part of the reason is down to new controller that was required — the extra investment reportedly scared away investors. Sometimes though,games can help usher in a whole new type of controller (http://www.redbull.com/uk/en/stories/1331615289738/the-games-that-shaped-the-way-we-play), and create new ways to play. From Pong's easy dials, which helped bring the video game into the home, to Ape Escape's twin thumbsticks and Doodle's Jump savvy use of the accelerometer on the iPhone, some games have hit the critical mass necessary to establish a new input as a way to play. So what's next?
