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View Full Version : SMS Plus v1.2.1 (maker of fMSX and ColEM)

July 12th, 2007, 09:14

New Sega Master System emulator for the PSP Released :)

v1.2.1 SVN (July 11, 2007):

* Initial release

FAQ (http://psp.akop.org/smsplus/readme.htm)

Download and Give Feedback Via Comments

July 12th, 2007, 16:55
so what is different about this and the current sms emulators?

July 12th, 2007, 17:29
Not sure why he even bothered to port this. MMSPlus is already beyond perfect.

July 12th, 2007, 18:17
Not sure why he even bothered to port this. MMSPlus is already beyond perfect.

Why did you bother to reply!!!!:mad:

nice one gelon

July 12th, 2007, 18:25
Well it seems kind of redundant to port something that already was ported and perfected a year ago, don't you think?

July 12th, 2007, 19:15
Well it seems kind of redundant to port something that already was ported and perfected a year ago, don't you think?

Look..... I would love to see you contribute to the scene in any shape or form... especially in coding before you say what someone can and cant do.

People can do what they like, i mean for all you know this emulator may have more options or have less power consuming options then MMSPlus.

Anything contributed to the scene is GOOD. End of.

Well apart from iso loaders..... of course

July 12th, 2007, 19:25
does this play genisis games? noobie question lol

July 12th, 2007, 20:31
no just sega master system and game gears roms

July 12th, 2007, 20:38
for all you know this emulator may have more options or have less power consuming options then MMSPlus.

If you ever used MMSPlus you would know how silly that is, its probably the most feature-packed emulator for any system available on the PSP and it runs every game at 60 fps even after underclocking the PSP to 166 MHz! Plus the source code has been released so he could have used that if he wanted to add new features.

July 12th, 2007, 21:00
does this play genisis games? noobie question lol

It plays Sega Mastery System games! :p Sega Genesis is the successor to SMS. Its in the same sense how the Nintendo Entertainment System ( NES ) compares to Super Nintendo Entertainment System ( SNES ).

July 12th, 2007, 21:16
Not sure why he even bothered to port this. MMSPlus is already beyond perfect.

well, with a positive and encouraging attitude like that, I'm sure anyone could be a rock star

July 12th, 2007, 22:08
Hasnt anyone noticed that this developer is slowly working his way up in the difficult level of his emulators that he ports!!!
one day I tells you, one day...

July 12th, 2007, 22:21
MMS and PSPMaster are better, but i love new emulators

fMSX is still the best MSX emulator in PSP

July 12th, 2007, 22:26
ive noticed the sound with this emulator is quite glitchy but it runs at a descent speed... good for the first release.

July 13th, 2007, 00:30
You know what SpacemanSpiff...don't take this the wrong way but you (out of a few others) are the type of people that upset us game developers. Even Exophase has said that the psp forums are scattered with a few people who are very ungrateful. I'll show you some examples of good and bad criticism.

Good Criticism (From me for this emulator):
It's great to see another sms emulator. Choice is good and now we can choose between MMSPlus or your SMS Plus. It is way better than the SMS Plus ported by Cswindle in 2005. Great release and whenever you make an update, could you please fix the sound bug that me and Chameleon noticed. Your emulator may just replace my MMSplus on my psp once you do that ;)!

Bad Criticism (From people like you):
Another one?! Why did you make this, [Name of another emulator] is way better. Stop making this, there is no point. Devote your time to something better like SNES or Genesis would ya! I hate this emu, I hate your efforts with this, I hate your dog.
Never coming back to check up either, blah!

If you never encourage a developer in what he does, he may just never make any updates or even a new program ever again because of you. Encouragement and a satisfaction in knowing someone liked what they made causes them to put some effort in updating and possibly jumping to make another project (like a Genesis emu or something). Becareful with what you say alright, be positive. All in all, anything made for the psp homebrew scene is greatly appreciated in my opinion!

Note: I did not mean to direct this post to you specifically SpacemanSpiff, just to anyone else who post like that, Sorry.

July 13th, 2007, 01:07
I'm not trying to discourage anybody, I just don't see the point in releasing this when other people have already ported the same emulator to the PSP and basically perfected it. I mean other people were working on ports of GBA and PSX emulators for the PSP last year, but once gPSP and popstation came out they stopped working on them because they weren't really needed at that point.

July 13th, 2007, 01:21
speaking of gpsp and such.

whens gpsp 1.0 comming out.......
whens nesterj 1.30 comming out..
whens snes9x 0.5 comming out....

maybe that is why people are porting.. because they arent being updated!! :(

July 13th, 2007, 01:23
Thank you for the positive feedback, everyone. Chameleon and da1writer: can you please provide some more information about the sound issue? Also, in which games is the bug most noticeable?


July 13th, 2007, 01:30
sonic 2, mortal kombat 3, prince of persia... looking at more at the moment

mortal kombat series has really blotchy speed

Note- overclocking seems to fix alot of this, but you have almost all games full speed at 222, itd be a shame to overclock to fix a few games

July 13th, 2007, 02:01
Sonic 2 was my problem as well, It's actually one of my favorite games for gamegear (When I first bought one, it was bundled with it, so sue me :)! )
Overclocking does fix it but I would like the sound to be fixed so that I don't have to kill my battery in order to enjoy the game. Thanks for replying quickly by the way uberjack :thumbup:! Good to see you want to improve this emu!

July 13th, 2007, 02:20
correct me if im wrong but gelon is the graphic artist and uberjack is the coder?

July 13th, 2007, 02:20
i just noticed, sms plus is the emulator i used to play on my mac, lol

July 13th, 2007, 11:07
correct me if im wrong but gelon is the graphic artist and uberjack is the coder?


I've only posted the news :D

Akop Karapetyan (Akop) did all the work

July 14th, 2007, 12:02
v1.2.2 SVN (July 11, 2007):

* Fixed a bug that caused subsequently loaded games to crash
* Added an option to use a faster, less accurate sound emulation engine (3-4 fps difference)
* Added an option to remove the leftmost vertical column for SMS games


July 14th, 2007, 16:32
Thanks for the great emulator! :)

mmsplus wont run on mine so im glad there is an alternative, and id say even if it did i would use this