View Full Version : Vgba 4.2

October 14th, 2013, 01:58
via http://emu-russia.net/en/

Nintendo GameBoy Advance emulator for Android has been updated. Changes:
- Gameplay recording now always enabled. Select "Replay" at any time!
- Fixed RLUnCompWRAM() BIOS function (Mortal Kombat games).
- Now allowing misaligned source pointers in BIOS uncompression routines.
- Made replay play all records to the current recording position.
- Made recording pause when replay is on and fixed many corner cases.
- Added SimCity 2000 and StarX to the Cheatopedia.
- Added Sega Rally Championship to the Cheatopedia.
- Added Rock'n'Roll Racing to the Cheatopedia.
News source: https://play.google.com (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fms.vgba)