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View Full Version : Yet Another Custom Firmware Coming Soon ?

July 15th, 2007, 21:22
Pj1115 (http://pj1115.deviant-gaming.com/WordPress/) has posted on his blog that he is to release his own custom firmware, heres the newspost:

Long post here, get ready. Following the release of M33 custom firmware, I decided to see how my custom firmware could compare when updated to 3.51. XR is based loosely on OE, but I have no association with or rights to OE or Dark_AleX (please see notes). Here’s the current info for ‘3.51XR’:

Fixed compatibility issues with modules and resources. M33 has them.
Bug fixes.
Added XR recovery menu.

Increased theme compatibility.
Replaced network update with my custom firmware updater.
Load modules & resources from memory stick.
Config file on the MS for other configuration (spoof version number, recovery theming, etc.)
Ability to have all 12 BG images as full-res.
Features planned:

Play MP3/WAV/OGG on boot instead of opening sound. No length restriction.
Boot password protection & integrate an adapted HideMedia.
Ability to edit config file on MS from recovery & add MAC spoofing (only affects XMB - iDstorage is untouched).
Add super features such as dump/write NAND image, dump/write iDstorage to recovery.
Increase no-UMD compatibility.
Please don’t ask for it. There are four people testing it, and we don’t plan on having any more. If you would like to recommend some new features, though, please do say.

PJ out.

Now i cant verify this persons comments but as always in the homebrew scene i find its best to wait and see.

Discuss the validity of this persons claims via comments

July 15th, 2007, 21:33
sounds VERY nice. i like the all 12 bg's full res.

July 15th, 2007, 21:33
Oh no...sometimes is good to see competition. But if Team M33 and Pj1115 make different custom firmwares they will be in a total competition and I don't want to be flashing different custom firmwares every time. Lol,but damn...those features are awesome! This guy have his own custom firmware,with his own features,not like M33 that made all exactly like OE's. If this runs well when released,I'll surely stay with this one. Let's wait and see...

July 15th, 2007, 21:33
I'd say its valid. Its hosted by deviant-gaming :)
Oh, by the way:

Not great news: so many people have found out about XR now that my inbox is already flooded…

Qj.net has posted about it, which is really not what I need. I’m already in trouble for it, and the fact that I’m trying to develop it quietly is probably meaningless to the homebrew community now. Therefore, on the recommendation of a fellow developer, XR is ‘going underground’ (no, not in the sense of the song).

I would like no further contact about XR, and no further publicity, please. News and information will appear as I disclose it. This way, I can develop without any pressure. I’m hiding the original post, and only people with the super-duper-top-secret password will get to it (insert Dr. Evil laugh).

So, once again, XR is to recieve no more publicity.

July 15th, 2007, 21:36
yeah i just read that too.

July 15th, 2007, 21:40
This is good new for everyone,to play all your backed up iso`s on your psp no mater what version u need! keep up the good work u Guy`s (and girls)!!

July 15th, 2007, 21:42
id like to see some competition.

July 15th, 2007, 21:45
Lets not lean to ahrd on te guy, we dont want to scare him off or anything, He has already pass protected that page, and he may never release it if we hound him about it.

so for now, i will satisfy myself with drooling over the features

July 15th, 2007, 21:53
i dont like that there will be competition, i like when its simple and we ony have 1 to chose from. i like the new features but i wish you would all work togeter and make 1 super firmware

July 15th, 2007, 21:55
Leave it to qj to screw it up lol. This firmware sounds impressive. This maybe my nw firmware wehn its released.

July 15th, 2007, 21:57
Hmm two people are at it with their custom firmwares for the PSP... I like how some coders out their are giving it all they got to keep the PSP scene alive, but TWO custom firmwares will make things more intrigued to me. As Marty McFly says on Back to the Future: *This is heavy.*

Keep up your success M33 and Pj1115. May the firmware be with you both. =D

July 15th, 2007, 21:57
yea im starting to hate qj now. since they posted false info about daedalus

July 15th, 2007, 22:03
he is brilliant man perhaps if they added screen protector to him that activates not perhaps 5-10 minutes

July 15th, 2007, 22:07
agreed qj is a crappy site the first time I seen it I went back to dcemu. Also I think it will be nice to see competition between two custom firmwares that means they will be working hard to hack firmwares and make theres better than the others.

July 15th, 2007, 22:11
i wonder how sony is going to react to the news..

July 15th, 2007, 22:13
Yeah QJ sucks big time. It's slow to load on my computer.. :mad:
And about this firmware,how could it be possible to have the 12 backgrounds at high resolution? I don't think it's possible,or is it? I think he will have to delete a lot of stuff from the flash to be able to do this.
Please take your time PJ,and make the best firmware possible! Meanwhile I'll enjoy the new M33,I'm very happy with it.:o

July 15th, 2007, 22:20
I still visit QJ.net forums that about it. The main page for psp nws i hate. The people tha manage it must be on crack. Cause they take anything and blow it out of proportion. Like one time i released an XMB and they thought it made the XMB vertical and not horizontal like it is. They need to get the stick out there anus' and get a brain and pay attention. Back on topic now lol I think its good that there are to cfw now. Now we have a choice to us M33 or XR. Cause if you was decided on a car you wouldnt just want to be able to have only one choice would you? No you woldnt lol

July 15th, 2007, 22:22
Yeah QJ sucks big time. It's slow to load on my computer.. :mad:
And about this firmware,how could it be possible to have the 12 backgrounds at high resolution? I don't think it's possible,or is it? I think he will have to delete a lot of stuff from the flash to be able to do this.
Please take your time PJ,and make the best firmware possible! Meanwhile I'll enjoy the new M33,I'm very happy with it.:o
Yes we can have 12 hi res backgrounds lol. I have a 01-12.bmp with 12 hires backgrounds and its only 80kb :D :D :D :D :D :p :cool:

July 15th, 2007, 22:31
"Play MP3/WAV/OGG on boot instead of opening sound. No length restriction."

thats good. i think i mite like this firmware cuz it can be fully customizable. i wonder if plugins would work on it though since this has nothing to do with OE

July 15th, 2007, 22:35
This was all speculation pj usually just does firmware modifications... count on an add-on to 3.51m33

July 15th, 2007, 22:50
Okay well I don't like to post on this stuff a lot

Now i guess we are going to have a lot more
Choices on firmwares then ever B4

I hope they all use The "D" mans example..!!

July 15th, 2007, 22:55
i dont like that there will be competition, i like when its simple and we ony have 1 to chose from. i like the new features but i wish you would all work togeter and make 1 super firmware


July 15th, 2007, 22:59
Nothing like Dark Alex's.. I don't trust all those other ones, and I won't upgrade to a custom firmware for a long, long time..

pj1115's blog will be gone for a little while.

I'm being flamed so badly right now for XR that it's pointless even fighting my cause.

* 3.51XR was and is real.
* No, I don't know if it's going to be released.
* No, I'm not a noob.
* No, I'm not a copycat.
* The exploits were and are properly accredited, I believe.
* Please don't contact me.
* I'm a dedicated scener who has been around since the beginning and I would never abuse that.

Please, no more flaming.
PSDonkey all over again..

July 15th, 2007, 23:11
See what QJ does. they ruin everything
People who are dickwads flame every single dev out there. I remember a particular guy who proceeded to post 15 comments about how DAX was a dumbass and a lot of other worse thins when DAX launched 2.71 SE.

QJ is full of brats and idiots who think they are the best, when they are truly the reason why people are leaving the PSP scene.

All the great devs have put up with them an dPJ needs to too, but we also need to understand, we may not get everything, but what he does offer is great, b/c it shows how great the scene is.

And who cares if theirs competition.

If there is, each will make great firmwares in an effort to beat the other.

Even if someone "loses" its not a lose, for we will have great hackers who can help the scene for days weeks months year

July 15th, 2007, 23:18
Nothing like Dark Alex's.. I don't trust all those other ones, and I won't upgrade to a custom firmware for a long, long time..

PSDonkey all over again..
You dont trust it cause its not A dax CFW well thats your choice. I think this is real and hopefully gets released I wanna see it. Just because this is his first CFW is why theres flaming from simple minded A S Sholes :D :p

July 15th, 2007, 23:22
You're right about the QJ part but keep in mind,
PJ1115? Never heard of him.
If he wants to prove himself he should release his firmware.
He just announced his firmware an hour ago(according to DCEmu), not enough time to get flamed by QJ'ers.

July 15th, 2007, 23:25
Now a third 3.51 custom firmware is being made :)

July 15th, 2007, 23:38
Damn it. Look at pj1115's site now: http://pj1115.deviant-gaming.com/WordPress/

Out of action

pj1115's blog will be gone for a little while.

I'm being flamed so badly right now for XR that it's pointless even fighting my cause.

* 3.51XR was and is real.
* No, I don't know if it's going to be released.
* No, I'm not a noob.
* No, I'm not a copycat.
* The exploits were and are properly accredited, I believe.
* Please don't contact me.
* I'm a dedicated scener who has been around since the beginning and I would never abuse that.

Please, no more flaming.
Now I hate qj even more.

July 15th, 2007, 23:48
You're right about the QJ part but keep in mind,
PJ1115? Never heard of him.
If he wants to prove himself he should release his firmware.
He just announced his firmware an hour ago(according to DCEmu), not enough time to get flamed by QJ'ers.
Im pretty sure hes the creator of XR recovery. This is real Xando trust me i can feel it. Just take a look at PSPupdattes post about it on the main page and look at the comments:thumbup:

July 15th, 2007, 23:50
qj doesnt moderate their forums very well do they.. are these registered members saying that shit cuz i notice there are a lot of bad comments by unregistered users.
i want to contact PJ and tell him to stay away from qj.. and that hes welcomed here.

guys dont think this is another psdonkey. just let it alone and see if this guy releases anything this month at least

July 15th, 2007, 23:53
Who was psdonkey?

July 15th, 2007, 23:58
Who was psdonkey?

a "coder" that "made" a full speed "n64 emu" *cough*fake emu*cough*

he was just a liar and didnt do anything

July 16th, 2007, 00:16
qj doesnt moderate their forums very well do they.. are these registered members saying that shit cuz i notice there are a lot of bad comments by unregistered users.
i want to contact PJ and tell him to stay away from qj.. and that hes welcomed here.

guys dont think this is another psdonkey. just let it alone and see if this guy releases anything this month at least

Qj's frums don't bother me. They are quite good its just the main page that's the problem. It always has been. Its the way they run it. And PJ already stated he wouldn't be back there again. And yes its unregitered users that are the big problem with that page. Its a waste of web space :p

July 16th, 2007, 00:47
i dont understand devs go to QJ and not here. we r so friendly lol

July 16th, 2007, 01:01
Hmm i like the idea of one superior custom firmware. If there's a problem its more likely someone will know how to fix it. If there's 18 different cfw's they will all have too many problems.

July 16th, 2007, 01:11
Its the PSPUPDATES main page tahts the bad part.

I told off a bunch of people for flaming and the next guy posted something to the effect of


but i have a feeeling PJ is real, I used his XR recovery and he also made hidebad(the pr0n hiding thing :D very usefull) and a few other apps and games

July 16th, 2007, 01:26
Yay, can't wait for this. I know some of the devs involved and I know it will be good :)


July 16th, 2007, 01:37
All the new custom firmwares have just been awesome. I really hope that this one comes to light and let me just once again put it out there that the first firmware that enables avi/divx/xvid playback will be my only custom firmware.

July 16th, 2007, 01:39
Hmm i like the idea of one superior custom firmware. If there's a problem its more likely someone will know how to fix it. If there's 18 different cfw's they will all have too many problems.
I disagree. Cuz its not one person making many firmwares it different people making each one. Plus it gives you a choice to run whats best for you. Cause not everyone is into the same things on the psp. People who use different firmwares can just choose the one they want and report problems for it. And not everyone will have problems.

July 16th, 2007, 02:00
wow i like the 12 full res bg

sounds great, most likely themes are used from the ms, like the plugin just integrated

sounds impressive

July 16th, 2007, 02:04
I disagree. Cuz its not one person making many firmwares it different people making each one. Plus it gives you a choice to run whats best for you. Cause not everyone is into the same things on the psp. People who use different firmwares can just choose the one they want and report problems for it. And not everyone will have problems.

well heres what im trying to say. when i downgraded my 2.71 ta-082 with the noobz way and upgraded to 3.50 oe, i had a problem with screen brightness. i searched all around and it turned out to be something about corrupted id storage keys. there was very little info on this out on the internet. imagine if there were 4 competing custom firmwares and this happened. there would be absolutely not information to help me out.

July 16th, 2007, 02:06
is the brightness issue when running homebrew? thats just a prx bug that no1 ever bothered to fix.. i wish someone would fix it. its so annoying when ever i play homebrew games

July 16th, 2007, 02:10
well heres what im trying to say. when i downgraded my 2.71 ta-082 with the noobz way and upgraded to 3.50 oe, i had a problem with screen brightness. i searched all around and it turned out to be something about corrupted id storage keys. there was very little info on this out on the internet. imagine if there were 4 competing custom firmwares and this happened. there would be absolutely not information to help me out.

Although this is somewhat true, you could report it to the firmware maker and it would make the firmware makers more competitive and it would give us better custom firmwares with more features and that is the ultimate goal here.

AvengedSevenfold Fan
July 16th, 2007, 02:19
this sucks. just join and make one FW. we dont need competition where you have to choose between two great things that are equal but in different ways.

July 16th, 2007, 02:20
Although this is somewhat true, you could report it to the firmware maker and it would make the firmware makers more competitive and it would give us better custom firmwares with more features and that is the ultimate goal here.

My point exactly. Plus theres gonna be people to post all the problems for all firmwares anyways. And more people posting the same crap over and over. If you take the time to search you will find a way to fix it. Just search for the specific firmware and if you can't find a fix get in touch with the creator and they will assist you.

July 16th, 2007, 03:43
m33 people are russian

how should i contact them :)

July 16th, 2007, 03:52
look at their site perhaps, or contact PSPGen admins and ask them

July 16th, 2007, 03:54
righttt..i forgot to mention that i don't speak russian, and they most likely don't speak great english

July 16th, 2007, 04:02
righttt..i forgot to mention that i don't speak russian, and they most likely don't speak great english

u never kno

July 16th, 2007, 05:40
Looks like he has released it to 20 people and told them to circulate it.

if anyone here gets it, please post it

July 16th, 2007, 05:43
is the brightness issue when running homebrew? thats just a prx bug that no1 ever bothered to fix.. i wish someone would fix it. its so annoying when ever i play homebrew games

Mine was the same way, but i fixed it!!!!
This is their site scarph :

July 16th, 2007, 07:09
agreed qj is a crappy site the first time I seen it I went back to dcemu. Also I think it will be nice to see competition between two custom firmwares that means they will be working hard to hack firmwares and make theres better than the others.

I hate to say this but, most of the time qj has the news before dcemu. It makes me wonder if dcemu gets their info from them at times??:rolleyes:

July 16th, 2007, 07:27
Its not realistic to expect every single coder, dev, hacker, etc. to join up as one big army to create the "elite" custom firmware.

There are language barriers, time zone and geographical location differences, security/privacy concerns, etc. etc. etc. You should get the point.

It is selfish and inconsiderate for any of us to think we are owed anything more than we are already given for free paid for by the sacrifice of many coders from around the world.

I don't like every movie, book, game, and album released, but I have the choice to not watch, read, play, or listen to what I'm not interested in. The same goes for custom firmware. Make your own preference and just don't use what does not interest you. No need to discourage or be negative about projects that might not seem to be as appealing as others.

July 16th, 2007, 08:01
Umm, I'm new here, but I have IMPORTANT NEWS! there is a new psp, just released, what does this mean for homebrew!?!?! will it be able to be downgraded? will it have some sort of build it block to prevent hombrew no matter the firmware version? Is the new psp worth getting?? decide for yourself! (http://www.gamespot.com/features/6173974/index.html?tag=topslot;title;1) this link may cease to work when gamespot next updates its cetral tab frameset, so just search gamespot for E3 info. or, go here (http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3161034) I would really like to post this as a thread, but it won't let me; I suppose because I am a new member. I've used this ssite for years I'm glad to finally be a member. I think I'm the first to post about this new PSP and what it means for the homebrew community; I believe that the new PSP will be homebrew compatible and that it will provide a fantastic boost to the PSP-homebrew and PSP-mod communities. Power to the people enjoy! ~~~(extended information)(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_Portable) (something fun)(http://www.amazon.com/Horatio-Hornblower-Collectors-Ioan-Gruffudd/dp/B000AYEIW2/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/105-0780911-7893268?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1184568971&sr=8-1) -SISKO have fun wid-it!

July 16th, 2007, 08:27
Umm, I'm new here, but I have IMPORTANT NEWS! there is a new psp, just released, what does this mean for homebrew!?!?! will it be able to be downgraded? will it have some sort of build it block to prevent hombrew no matter the firmware version? Is the new psp worth getting?? decide for yourself! (http://www.gamespot.com/features/6173974/index.html?tag=topslot;title;1) this link may cease to work when gamespot next updates its cetral tab frameset, so just search gamespot for E3 info. or, go here (http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3161034) I would really like to post this as a thread, but it won't let me; I suppose because I am a new member. I've used this ssite for years I'm glad to finally be a member. I think I'm the first to post about this new PSP and what it means for the homebrew community; I believe that the new PSP will be homebrew compatible and that it will provide a fantastic boost to the PSP-homebrew and PSP-mod communities. Power to the people enjoy! ~~~(extended information)(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_Portable) (something fun)(http://www.amazon.com/Horatio-Hornblower-Collectors-Ioan-Gruffudd/dp/B000AYEIW2/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/105-0780911-7893268?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1184568971&sr=8-1) -SISKO have fun wid-it!
Uh, good to see you.

Nothing is 100% protected from anything. It will get beaten eventually.

Now, the reason I originaly posted. This firmware looks great, and makes me ex-cited.

July 16th, 2007, 11:42
lol, people hate qj, ok, but I kind of wonder why PSPfanboy is so slow!!

DCemu is the best Psp site I have ever visited, but when there's something I may need, I'll visit qj, because it's easier to find everything there:O

(just because I'm a complete noob though, I can't find the search bar here at DCemu)

Gold Line
July 16th, 2007, 12:30
all 12 BG at full res. does that mean we can have more than 1 480x272 BG in our 01-12.bmp fille?

July 16th, 2007, 15:01
sounds nice, i may try it....doubt full im a faithfull dax fan

July 16th, 2007, 16:23
DCemu is the best Psp site I have ever visited, but when there's something I may need, I'll visit qj, because it's easier to find everything there:O

Same here. QJ.net's downloads are superb.

July 16th, 2007, 17:41
Mine was the same way, but i fixed it!!!!
This is their site scarph :

lol i fixed it yesterday and im happy about it. are u on M33 with out brightness issue??

July 16th, 2007, 21:30
we need full ogg support in our firmware,I would much rather use ogg than mp3!

Safari Al
July 16th, 2007, 21:59
This firmware certainly is getting itself known. and its not even out yet!

Yay 200th post!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbup:

July 16th, 2007, 23:03
lol i fixed it yesterday and im happy about it. are u on M33 with out brightness issue??

yeah, I just had to redo the routine since my flash0 was formatted
but im used to it now, ive had to redo it like 10 times already.

By the way this is pj's blog update:

So, here’s the plan:

3.51 XR is going ahead - somewhat. I can’t publicly release it, so when I get a decent version done I’ll see what I can do. Oh, and please don’t use the build that’s going round, it’ll land you with a brick.
I’m making some of the XR functionality available to M33/OE users. I’m releasing individual mods and plugins, starting with MP3’s at boot, and the XR recovery menu.
Find a way to give No-UMD a boost (got a few ideas)…

July 16th, 2007, 23:36
yeah, I just had to redo the routine since my flash0 was formatted
but im used to it now, ive had to redo it like 10 times already.

so did u redo the brightness fix on M33? cuz i heard it doesnt work on it. if u got it to work then good

July 17th, 2007, 00:04
Sounds Cool

I will have it! Sounds better than M33

July 17th, 2007, 06:29
I would love to see built-in support for background music in the XMB and/or any program. That would especially come in handy for games with awful soundtracks, lol.:p

And yes, I do know that it would require you to run the cpu at a faster rate, but it's worth it!