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View Full Version : Nintendo confirms cross-platform play for Wii U and 3DS

October 18th, 2013, 21:55
Platform holder says it is "possible" for games to interact with non-Nintendo formats

Nintendo has confirmed to Develop that developers can create Wii U and 3DS titles that will connect with rival platforms.

Earlier this week, UK developer Ripstone claimed that it was working on a title that would let Wii U owners play against smartphone users.

Now the platform holder has told Develop that not only is it possible to make cross-platform games, but that it is keen for studios to do so.

"We can confirm that cross-platform functionality is possible in certain titles that play on Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, as well as other video game systems not made by Nintendo," a spokesperson told Develop.

"We are committed to helping developers realise the full potential of their software on Nintendo systems."
