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View Full Version : Sick of hiding

July 19th, 2007, 00:16
Today I've decided enough is enough and am coming out to reveal my true identity.

I am actually Zion who was also known as Xx FightStar xX

I apologise for creating that account, as I grew to hate the user name as it was stupid :rolleyes:

I of course also am the creator of Halo : Genocide.

I know some may still dislike/hate me here, Wraggster, Quzar & Xandu being the main ones, and I can understand if you wish to ban me.

But before you do please take this into consideration. I have realised how silly and childish I was in the past (while using the alias of zion).

I honestly can't believe the amount of childish & stupid things I have done both here and on the internet in general in the past.

I would like to apologise wholeheartedly to Wraggster, a person who supported me at the time of the "Normal & Nice" Zion as of which time i was a moderator here, and he really helped me a lot back then, and in turn all i did was throw it back in his face. I can't apologise enough.

Xandu, I needlessly flamed you over my old stubborn attitude and thought something was there that wasn't (typical old me) and flamed you for unfounded reasons. That was the final straw that lead me to getting banned. I would just like to say I'm so so sorry for what I did to you and still feel guilty about it to this day. I would also like to congratulate you on releasing XMP 2. Its fantastic.

Quzar, while I feel we will always have a contrast in opinion, I numerously started unneeded flamewars with you, by taking your constructive criticism personally. Obviously I was stupid and can't see you forgiving me or giving me the benefit of the doubt but I wouldn't blame you for that.

And finally a massive apology to dcemu's members who I messed about a lot, over flames and un-kept promises (wandria)

Speaking of Wandria how about I clean the rumours up about that once and for all too.

While many still don't believe that I have a brother I only found out about a few months ago and still haven't met him. Well that bits the truth, I can't make you, or convince you into accepting it, but I swear on my life that its true. I can't say much more than that.

What was a lie, was me using that as a excuse not to code wandria any more.

The real reason I stopped that was because I simply couldn't handle the sheer size and complexity of the project. I hold my hands up, it was too big a project for me.

So I would like for a chance to prove that I have changed, to show you all I'm not the degenerate moron that i was before, and that i can be a valuable member of this community.

I know I have no right to request it, and accept if you choose to ban me, but please at least consider what i have said above.

I would love for the past to finally be water under the bridge between all of whom i mentioned.

Thanks and greets to everyone on dcemu, you guys rock and this place will always have a place in my heart whatever the outcome of this post :thumbup:

July 19th, 2007, 00:23
sorry, but i dont know if i should believe this or not.

July 19th, 2007, 00:24
How did I know that it was you ;)

July 19th, 2007, 00:26

July 19th, 2007, 00:28
That was a bit deep? I felt like a priest reading your sins.

July 19th, 2007, 00:29
man. i dont have an msn.
i only have an aim.

July 19th, 2007, 00:30
That was a bit deep? I felt like a priest reading your sins.


Thanks i got a laugh out of that comment! :rofl:

July 19th, 2007, 00:55
Zion, although i never knew you that well, i always felt bad for you getting banned, but i dont think this is the way to come back.

July 19th, 2007, 00:58
Making an account named 1timeuser will only end up getting you banned again.

July 19th, 2007, 01:02
Making an account named 1timeuser will only end up getting you banned again.

yeah probably :( I didn't mean to match it to capn1time or anything, i just wanted that name to match my new site :(

July 19th, 2007, 01:19
Someone will report you again :(.

July 19th, 2007, 01:36
I'm going to bed now :p

Would be nice to be able to come to the site tomorrow and not be banned :)

Fingers crossed eh?

Night guys :) Peace

July 19th, 2007, 01:44
i had a feeling you did geneicide
it looked like how you coded

July 19th, 2007, 01:55
The site administrator hates you ?

That's sum deep sh!t....

July 19th, 2007, 01:57
You were given more 'second' chances than anyone on this site ever, and every time we have ended up with egg on our faces as you fly off the handle and show us that you should not be allowed to be a member once again. Ban evasion is a bannable offense and if you think you deserve any kind of special (positive) treatment, you are truely more disconnected from reality than you seem.

Especially (and I had forgotten about this) after you came back not to long ago as Cynidez and Unex (as well as who knows who else).

July 19th, 2007, 02:24
Um im sorry, but this is a new account, and unless he had anything malicious to say, banning him again has no basis. Then again, I havent heard the full story, but as it goes this is my opinion.

July 19th, 2007, 02:41
Um im sorry, but this is a new account, and unless he had anything malicious to say, banning him again has no basis. Then again, I havent heard the full story, but as it goes this is my opinion.

Ban evasion is a bannable offense. He was banned from this site, not just the name "Zion". By your process, banning would have no consequence but to reset name and post count.

July 19th, 2007, 03:26
Ban evasion is a bannable offense. He was banned from this site, not just the name "Zion". By your process, banning would have no consequence but to reset name and post count.

i agree with you, but i think that zion shouldnt be banned, but reinstated because he seems to have changed his general demeanor, but its not up to me, and i understand how ban evasion is a bannable offense, but i think this should be an exeption to the rules.

edit : ill suspect the general response will be : "if we make an exemption for one well have to do it for everybody "

July 19th, 2007, 03:30
this is stupid. Zion was stupid in the past but not now, he is a fun person to talk to. There is no need to ban him from a site multiple times. Especially now, since he is starting over with a new outlook. I think you guys should lighten up a little bit, not every one is going to like admins, but there will always be jackasses in the world. is that a reason to keep them from experiencing things like homebrew and things like that. NO, it's not.

July 19th, 2007, 03:31
hmm i was wondering where you disappeared to

Safari Al
July 19th, 2007, 03:31
why??? I read all those posts when you flammed Xandu and it was like you were with him for a while then you just randomly went against him. What's with that. I know your a famous coder and all but that really made me think why would you do something like that?

Edit: It says you were banned again

July 19th, 2007, 03:39
When you are banned, you can't change it. Go out, we don't need people like you here. And I'm sure you don't have a brother.

July 19th, 2007, 03:51
For real its pointless banning Zion again whats the point. If he came back and he was nicer and not flaming anybody and if he started doing the same old shit then ban him again but you gave him no chance I mean you said you gave him chance before but this he made a public apology to all the people he flammed and you could tell it was sincere. So give him a chance quazar come on now.

July 19th, 2007, 04:02
For real its pointless banning Zion again whats the point. If he came back and he was nicer and not flaming anybody and if he started doing the same old shit then ban him again but you gave him no chance I mean you said you gave him chance before but this he made a public apology to all the people he flammed and you could tell it was sincere. So give him a chance quazar come on now.

Can't you read? He did break the rules many times, even he flamed a staff member. He wasn't banned temporally, he was banned permanently. He will not be welcomed again here.

July 19th, 2007, 04:09
No JKKDARK can you read? His apology letter is very sincere and he sounded very sorry.

July 19th, 2007, 04:20
No JKKDARK can you read? His apology letter is very sincere and he sounded very sorry.

Everybody can do that stupid letter. He cannot change what he did. DCEmu have rules, and if you don't care about them many times, you are not good for the community.

July 19th, 2007, 04:32
can this please be locked now.

whats done is done.

so stop arguing.

July 19th, 2007, 04:53
Yeah you know im done I was bored felt like debating whats done is done so I couldn't change it if I try.

July 19th, 2007, 05:04
When you are banned, you can't change it. Go out, we don't need people like you here. And I'm sure you don't have a brother.

I hate to say this but I agree with JKKDARK.

July 19th, 2007, 05:06
personally, i dont think zion should be banned

i mean he was my freind and he taught me a lot about coding

he is just trying to start fresh, i would give him a chance

I know we had a argument though here and there (he thought i stole his code but in fact i didn't) but he was still cool with it later

And plus when we didn't know it was him he didn't cause ANY problems that i know of!

July 19th, 2007, 05:09
personally, i dont think zion should be banned

i mean he was my freind and he taught me a lot about coding

he is just trying to start fresh, i would give him a chance

I know we had a argument though here and there (he thought i stole his code but in fact i didn't) but he was still cool with it later

He is also my friend, we made games together, and he was my partner, but we cant forget that he broke many rules around here. (dcemu)

I remember we both made marvelous things but he choosed this, and now he must carry on with this.

July 19th, 2007, 05:15
but as i said he didn't cause any problems when we didn't know it was him

July 19th, 2007, 05:18
but as i said he didn't cause any problems when we didn't know it was him

His person, his real name, he IS banned not his user name or account . Its harsh but these are rules people and we must follow them in order to stay here, I had to learn this and Im happy to be what Im now, and I had to follow the rules to be here. He caused problems before as some staff members say, I sadly saw that...

July 19th, 2007, 05:20
whatever i guess it's the mods and admins job to say who stays and who go's

i am just voicing my opinion about it

July 19th, 2007, 05:23
whatever i guess it's the mods and admins job to say who stays and who go's

i am just voicing my opinion about it

Exactly, I highly respect your opinion, but note that we must be realistic. I would like to see him around here but rules are rules.

July 19th, 2007, 05:46
I've known him for a while. I was an administrator at his first site (Emuforumz, May 2006, anybody remember it?). He seemed to be one cool guy.

He's never been a jackass when I talked to him, so I question what exactly went on 'round here for him to get banned.

Why would he come around here if he didn't like the site or the people here?

July 19th, 2007, 06:30
Where's my apology? :p

This really is getting ridiculous (of course its been that way for months). We've banned multiple IP's and dozens of accounts but you sure are persistent.

personally, i dont think zion should be banned

i mean he was my freind and he taught me a lot about coding

he is just trying to start fresh, i would give him a chance

I know we had a argument though here and there (he thought i stole his code but in fact i didn't) but he was still cool with it later

And plus when we didn't know it was him he didn't cause ANY problems that i know of!

There's always been a lot more to this "Zion issue" then what the public has seen. The majority of it took place behind closed doors. I've lost track of how many times Zion has come back after some sort of epiphany and begged for forgiveness. We've given him more chances to redeem himself then anyone in the entire history of this network. There is absolutely no reason to give him a chance anymore. I was one of the last to trust the guy and even when I tried to remain civil with him he blew up in my face and went on a rant on his own site about how I'm such a prick and a back stabber. Even the calm shadowprophet had his patience run out with Zion (that really says something). Its really hard to believe Zion was once a staff member.

I'm also pretty sure the Cap'n isn't going to be happy about Zions username and domain choice. But I suppose its better then quzarsucks or reaper. :p

And with that I lock this thread.

Cap'n 1time
July 19th, 2007, 20:55
1timeuser - my glorious 4 year old alias, is part of the DCemu network. I'm staying out of the zion thing this time around, but dude... get your own alias!