View Full Version : Recomended voltage

July 19th, 2007, 16:08
I have connected my usb gps to a WL-500GP router then connected the router to the psp through the router internal serial port, and by redirecting the information I was able to get Mapthis working.
My problem is that the psp serial uses 2,5v and the router serial port 3,3v, should I put a power regulator between the router Tx --- Rx PSP connection ?


PS: I have also been able to port usbhostfs to work with the router so soon I will make a post with all the info about this project ;)

July 19th, 2007, 23:59
What is the function of this ?

Why do you want your router to have a gps antenna ?

July 20th, 2007, 04:00
mation I was able to get Mapthis working.
My problem is that the psp serial uses 2,5v and the router serial port 3,3v, should I put a power regulator between the router Tx --- Rx PSP connection ?


PS: I have also been able to port usbhostfs to work with the router so soon I will make a post with all the info about this project ;)

From my experience, 3.3V would not brick your PSP.
Of course there is nothing wrong with puting a small resistance in between (1-2K resistor should do the trick)
And I also would like to know the purpose usbhostfs tweak..

July 20th, 2007, 04:41
Well I am on holidays now and have some free time so I decided on creating a portable mp3 player that supported the flac format, and as I had already studied the openwrt (http://openwrt.org/) project and and the Asus WL-500G Premium (http://www.asus.com/products4.aspx?l1=12&l2=43&l3=0&model=1121&modelmenu=1) features (mini-pci wireless card, 2x usb 2.0, 2x internal serial ports) , I thought, why not create an headless media station controlled by psp, where I could not only connect a usb sound card and have the flac player I wanted, but also connect the usb gps that I already had, using the 2,5 disk as a giant external memory card for psp with usbhostfs and also use the router as a bridge between my psp and my schools VPN protected wireless network, this last part still in ultra development :S.
Right now I am studying what will be the battery solution...