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View Full Version : Dos and Windows on the PSP

July 19th, 2007, 20:22
I´v seen Boch´s x86 emulator for the PSP, i tried following the instructions but i really dont understand what i have to do, can you help me? i want to emulate DOS so i could play some of the games i have had here ever since i was a kid, can you guys help me?

In fact is it even possible to get a working DOS on a PSP? If not then can you explain me how to get windows 95 then?

The games i am talking about are not pirate games as i have them in my home (though a few of them i´m not sure where they really are) but if by this post i have broken a rule of the forum then i´d like to ask a mediator to lock the thread

Thank you in advance :thumbup:

July 19th, 2007, 22:18
I dont really know much about this but have you read the readme more than once

July 19th, 2007, 22:45
read the readme many times, searched websites.... the thing is.... i´m not the smartest guy around when it comes to homebrew, i did the downgrade and all, but if the homebrew program requires anything else then the regular folder and the %folder then i´m completely lost

July 20th, 2007, 02:18
I got interested in this x86 emu a few days ago.
follow thru THIS THREAD.
The July release of DosboxPSP runs sweetly in 3.40OE-A
without any other files needed.

The BOCHS% eboots aint as friendly. not sure, but
think you also need a VM (?) folder in ms0:/ , and
maybe to hack the config.sys (?) a bit as well.

July 20th, 2007, 02:44
nilzxx.dl.am has it eetup in a win95 for psp rar file with pass.
the one i used:
the pass for the nilzxx.dl.am is nlzxx!

July 20th, 2007, 04:29
the pass for the nils.dl.am is nlzxx
(U probbly need a rarPass 2)..


July 20th, 2007, 11:05
I got interested in this x86 emu a few days ago.
follow thru THIS THREAD.
The July release of DosboxPSP runs sweetly in 3.40OE-A
without any other files needed.

The BOCHS% eboots aint as friendly. not sure, but
think you also need a VM (?) folder in ms0:/ , and
maybe to hack the config.sys (?) a bit as well.

well from what i understant from the link you gave me, even if i could get the games going they are barely playable due to sound, graphics issues, frame rate and no keyboard.... well it was a nice dream while it lasted, oh well thanks anyway:)

July 20th, 2007, 13:27
yup, gaming in dosbox would probbly only work at all
for mouse-only pre-'95 versions (the analog+L click
mouse emulation works quite well) or games where
fast actions not so important.
Am using the emu mainly for portable zip/unzip
(PKZIP) (autoexec from .bat to avoid the
keyboard thng) + the possibility of other command line
stuff, like file converters, that aint been eboot'ed.
I edit the .bat in PSPnotepad before running the emu.
For me,for now, dosBox avoids the recycleBin..