View Full Version : I finally got my GPS to work!!!

July 22nd, 2007, 05:59
I finally got my GPS to work!!!:D Thanks for helping me. Right now there are just no satellites to connect to.

July 22nd, 2007, 08:24
there is a thread in news forum which deals with reception problems/optimization tricks...

July 22nd, 2007, 13:36
Try going to an open area, or a park.
It depends, see, an open area can be near buildings and such, but then there might be wireless network interference or other signals.
But, for a park or an open space in a park, theres little chance of alot of signal activity or interference.
But this doesn't mean that when you are near buildings or whathaveyou, you won't get reception.

July 22nd, 2007, 22:29
I cant connect to any satellites. when i open a map, I press O and it says, GPS on, then i press start and put 222 mhz, then i press GPS info, and I wait. today ive been driving for about 25 minutes everywhere, and nothing.

July 22nd, 2007, 23:00
When will there be an official GPS release?