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View Full Version : UnOfficial gpSP 0.91 Kai

July 22nd, 2007, 23:19
Looks like Takka has released a new version of his kai releases


-- Release log --

v0.91 (minor cleanup release)

NOTE: I don't usually do minor releases but I rewrote a ton of
things in gpSP 0.9, much of it during the last few days, and although
I spent a lot of time debugging a few bugs inevitably crept in.

# Fixed some issues in the new memory handlers that crept up, hopefully
should fix the problems between 0.8 and 0.9.
# Fixed a bug introduced in 0.9 that could cause crashes when selecting
things in the menu (I hope, at least).
# Fixed a bug with a certain invalid opcode causing a jump to be scanned
when there isn't one (fixes Sabre Wulf).
# Removed 2048 option for audio buffer.

That seems like something Exophase would say..

July 22nd, 2007, 23:39
I'm not sure how Exophase will respond to this. S/he has earlier said that s/he doesn't support these unofficial releases ... And I've never experienced any bugs with gpSP 0.9, so I'll stick to that.

July 22nd, 2007, 23:41
i havent seen exo for a while... i wonder how he is

July 22nd, 2007, 23:51
Well, s/he updated the blog (http://gpsp-dev.blogspot.com/) in April, and the profile says s/he was last online here on July 20th.

The signature says: "I haven't quit gpSP, just put it on hiatus for a while."

As said in the official release thread, the release changelog looks a bit like something Exophase would type, especially "I don't usually do minor releases but I rewrote a ton of things in gpSP 0.9, much of it during the last few days, and although I spent a lot of time debugging a few bugs inevitably crept in." We'll have to wait for Exophase to confirm.

By the way, Exophase said this about the unofficial releases:

As many of you know, I'm not terribly impressed with the unofficial builds of gpSP that exist without my consent. I have a nice rant about it in the readme, most of you have probably heard me here already anyway so I won't repeat it. Suffice it to say, I'm pretty serious about what I'm going to be doing at this point.

July 22nd, 2007, 23:55
im starting to not feel confortable with me posting this update. it seems like this was a leaked version of 0.91 since exo hasnt released this to the public..

July 22nd, 2007, 23:57
Yeah I bet exophase is going to be pissed off he hates unoffical releases of his emulator.

July 23rd, 2007, 14:37
Didn't Exophase GPL'ed gpSP code?

Then why does he get pissed when someone does something with it?

July 23rd, 2007, 15:13
i dont think exophase will be mad now because takka didnt release the SOURCE which caused the whole problem

July 25th, 2007, 06:01
as anyone tried it

I just want to know if it runs super mario advance #? (the one that is yoshi story)

Exophase says that gpSP 0.9 can run it with the correct gba bios and also mario and lugi superstar saga

I have mario & luigi superstar saga up and runing but yoshi story crashes, so i don't think is the bios file

July 25th, 2007, 06:03
dont try it.. i tried the new unofficial release 3.00 and i liked how it showed the battery info and other little stuff. but it corrupted somethings on my memory stick for some reason.. MIKE! check your PM!

July 31st, 2007, 06:22
as anyone tried it

I just want to know if it runs super mario advance #? (the one that is yoshi story)

Exophase says that gpSP 0.9 can run it with the correct gba bios and also mario and lugi superstar saga

I have mario & luigi superstar saga up and runing but yoshi story crashes, so i don't think is the bios file

Guess again. Read my sig. It's true.

About the readme, he took it from the GP2X version, like some other things, although it doesn't really line up. That's why it looks like it was written by me, because it was.

I'm glad he finally released the source, but pretty disappointed. There were things claiming that he proved the speed of the video renderer by 2-3% but I can't see anything there that would actually suggest this. All he did was changed a loop to a memset. Maybe that helped because he didn't fix something ELSE to improve FF6's speed (given that that's his big hype machine right now ;P)

Course, he fixed FF6 using hints from the GP2X version... I bet when I finally do release the next version (probably 0.95, NOT 1.0) everyone will claim I used his code to fix FF6.. oh well.

July 31st, 2007, 09:26
Course, he fixed FF6 using hints from the GP2X version... I bet when I finally do release the next version (probably 0.95, NOT 1.0) everyone will claim I used his code to fix FF6.. oh well.
Ah, who would do that? Everybody knows, who's project gpsp is and who's done mostly all of the work on it, don't you think so?

But anyways, new official version sounds great. Good luck!

July 31st, 2007, 10:52
We all know you're the real coder and I would never believe that the other guy is anywhere as good as you are at coding this. To me he's just put your creation under his own name.

July 31st, 2007, 11:17
We all know you're the real coder and I would never believe that the other guy is anywhere as good as you are at coding this. To me he's just put your creation under his own name.
No, i don't think that's true. I think, he just doesn't care and does fixes to gpsp he likes to do.
I mean, he isn't publishing it with a big "hello" or even trying to get some credits for it.
He just puts it on his site and that's it.
That's why i don't see the point of all this wuzz at all....

July 31st, 2007, 17:47
Go look at his site, he made a little logo, little sourceforge setup...

He has a list of compatibility problems, but since it's in Japanese it's useless to me, translating it reveals almost nothing concrete enough to be meaningful. So does he make any effort to actually get this information to me, someone who is much more capable of working with my own code than he is (as if such an obvious thing were in doubt, I've pretty much proven this over and over again)? No, of course not, leading everything to a standstill.

He only cares about getting Japanese games to work anyway. Although I've mainly only done idle loop hacks for US games I always focus on compatability for all regions. To us it looks like he's doing this in isolation, but I'm quite aware that he has his own group of followers over in Japan, and chances are they think he's the author of the emulator anyway.

I'm the primary worker on this emulator, always have been, so if you're going to try to improve it it'd make sense to run your findings by me so that I can incorporate them into the actual main build, and not just make mysterious changes in the source that I then have to comb over and try to pick out what's worthwhile. Besides, I maintain gpSP for more than just the PSP version, but that's all he cares about. He goes and completely changes things around the code to very little effect without any consideration of how this will complicate adding any changes back into the main branch. Why? Because he obviously doesn't want his changes to be merged with mine, he wants to maintain a separate fork so that he can appear to be the author of the emulator, and he wants to compete with me.

However I am glad he finally released up to date source, but he's still putting up newer "test" versions without source, which is NOT okay. Calling it "test" doesn't make it anything less than a normal release.

BTW, if someone wants to do me a big favor and actually properly translate that compatibility so I can read it then maybe I can get to work on fixing some of the things there.

Gold Line
July 31st, 2007, 17:50
how can he compete with you? your the one who made the emu in the first place i have no problems with 09 so i'm not going to use this.

July 31st, 2007, 17:53
Guess again. Read my sig. It's true.

Course, he fixed FF6 using hints from the GP2X version... I bet when I finally do release the next version (probably 0.95, NOT 1.0) everyone will claim I used his code to fix FF6.. oh well.


LOL, I know it's true, i just can't get it to work, i've searched through a lot of bios files, would you please PM me the right one, so you can shut me up for good:p

New release, sounds great
but please, please please please fix 32mb roms:)

July 31st, 2007, 18:03

LOL, I know it's true, i just can't get it to work, i've searched through a lot of bios files, would you please PM me the right one, so you can shut me up for good:p

New release, sounds great
but please, please please please fix 32mb roms:)

No I won't give you a copyrighted ROM.

32MB ROMs work, what are you talking about? Do you mean Kingdom Hearts?

Gold Line
July 31st, 2007, 18:14
kingdom hearts CM works fine. so does pokemon mystery dungoen

July 31st, 2007, 21:05
I went through the diff and documented all the changes. It took me forever. I hate that Takka bastard :P


A majority of the differences are due to incorporating changes I made in the GP2X version, including game fixes that he's basically taking credit for. I won't bother going over those because he didn't do it.

These are the main things he has actually done himself, this is for ALL versions he has released after gpSP 0.9:

- Fixed sbcs and thus FF6 (thanks to hints left in the GP2X version of cpu.c)
- Multilingual support (although only Japanese/English are present in the files)
- Can make screenshots (so you too can hype FF6)
- Displays battery information and crap (you know, that stuff that shows up if you press home)
- Made a bunch of new configuration files for stuff
- Lets you define where various files should go
- MAYBE fixes other games by fixing some generic programming error in some line in the sound code.

I'm not going to list the silly modifications he made because he thinks he knows better or any of the things he made worse.

You know, I think the most annoying part of all of this is that it took me more time to read through/document the friggin diff than it would have taken me to implement each and every one of those features myself.

Also, blackrave, I'm a guy..

July 31st, 2007, 23:01
Thanks for clearing everything up, Exophase. Let's all support him by not posting news about and not using Takka's releases.

August 1st, 2007, 01:32
Thanks for clearing everything up, Exophase. Let's all support him by not posting news about and not using Takka's releases.

May as well post about it, and you can use it if you want.. if people here did stop using it I doubt it'd even matter anyway. Look at his wiki, over 350,000 hits. I swear, that's a larger number than I figured have downloaded gpSP altogether. Who knows how many Japanese people are using his releases.

August 3rd, 2007, 07:42
No I won't give you a copyrighted ROM.

32MB ROMs work, what are you talking about? Do you mean Kingdom Hearts?

Yu gi oh! ultimate masters 2006 rom doesn't work, or let me try my new bios file, does kingdom hearts work?, i haven't tried it
you said there was some issue with the 32MB size roms

Got Yoshi's Island working, i knew you were right, just haven't been able to get the correct file (thanx xg917)
crashed like three times but now is ok

BTW Thank you for making such a wonderful emulator, works even better than the one on my PC, considering PSP has much less procesing power

You should give pointers to yoyofr for the snes9xtyl, how come a gba emu works better than the snes one:confused:

August 5th, 2007, 21:39
You should give pointers to yoyofr for the snes9xtyl, how come a gba emu works better than the snes one:confused:

The Snes emulator was a port therefore less efficient and not coded specifically for the Psp.

This gpSP GBA emulator was not a port and was coded specifically for the Psp from scratch. It also makes use of a dynarec, more specifically JIT which again increases the efficiency of the code.

August 12th, 2007, 07:17
i love this emulator but i wont be using this unless some type of adhoc feature is involved cause im tired of playing pokemon and other few games over and over again im serious if i knew how to code and i was this kai guy thats not doing any major updates for exos work i wouldve added adhoc along time ago during gpsp0.8

August 12th, 2007, 07:19
i dont think its that easy.. otherwise exophase wouldve implimented multiplayer adhoc already.

August 12th, 2007, 22:01
then he should ask 4 help and it must be hard cause i tryed to implement myself with no coding skill

August 12th, 2007, 22:16
lol, well multiplayer code is way different for gba than it is for any other system. which makes it harder. and the psp is already pushed almost to the limit emulating gba itself. so i dont think we will see multiplayer support any time soon. that would make the best christmas present as well as full speed n64 emu

August 15th, 2007, 07:49
I've seen a GBA emulator for the XBOX that had multiplayer support, but it required an XBOX system link (you couldn't do the GBA emulator's multiplayer on one XBOX), so I didn't get to try it.
I was really hopeful that this was some Ad Hoc update or something. The word "Kai" made me think "Xlink Kai" or something.

August 15th, 2007, 08:15
if this guy adds multiplayer support then im using it