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View Full Version : help with POI

July 23rd, 2007, 00:58
is there any way to add multiple POI's. for example, is there anyway to let gmdl search for all fast food resturants. i try to add put all fast food resturants in the search engine but it didn't find everything. or is there a way to download poi's off the internet, because i think the one's gmdl gets are not that accurate. also i still don't get how to use the reversie address lookup in the menu (the one next to address lookup)

July 24th, 2007, 22:01
this is how i create POI files with a bunch of different things. say i wanted to make a POI for all fast food restaurants in a certain area. i would do a search for "McDonalds" under gmdl , go threw all the adresses it pulled up and delete the ones that dont apply, or i dont need, then save the file. Repeat for other fast food restaurants and save each to there own individual files.

Then open up your POI files in wordpad/notepad and copy and paste the information from each individual POI File into one single POI file.

there might be an easier way but that is how i do it...