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View Full Version : Wii releases for the week of July 23rd

July 23rd, 2007, 20:24
via Nintendo Wii Fanboy (http://www.nintendowiifanboy.com/2007/07/23/wii-releases-for-the-week-of-july-23rd/)

Unlike last week and the week before it, we're actually able to report on game releases this week. Well, actually it's only a game release, but that's still better than nothing. Releasing on both the PSP and Wii this week, gamers will be able to pick up:

Alien SyndromeAre you looking forward to picking up Sega's shooter this week?

July 24th, 2007, 14:19
ive heard this is going to be a really good game and is this a pal or ntsc release cause if its the latter i will have to import it