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View Full Version : The next book to look forward to by JKR

July 24th, 2007, 12:39
I think that JKR will reveal more of some characters when she finds time to constuct her Potter encyclopedia that she has mentioned a desire to write at some point, so that the pages of notes she has been unable to squash into the books can have their glory too.

Jo has already given us
Quidditch - through the ages
Fantastic beasts - and where to find them
for charity.
So my thinking is, why not have some more of these little treasures

Suggestions by me are:-
Spell, Charms and Jinxes - A guide to Expelliarmus and more.
MOM departments and staff - A guide to those rebuilding the Wizarding world.
Hogwarts Here and Now - The Teachers, Classes, Houses and more ...

Just think of the possibilities.
What books suggestions do you have that you would like to see published or what of those that have cropped up in the series are you curious about?

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July 24th, 2007, 15:34
Hogwarts: A history ... simply because it's mentioned sooo many times by are favourite muggle born witch! Or maybe just a book about what happened to each living character (i.e. those alive at the end of book 7)... what became of them, what did they do after the 2nd war, did they have children, what became of these children, who married, blah blah blah