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View Full Version : Diagnose Updated

July 24th, 2007, 20:07
Spinal (http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4356.0.html) has once again updated his app for the Nintendo DS, heres the details:

A while ago, I created a simple button tester so I could test the keyboard layout of a DS emulator.
After sharing it with the DS community, some forum users had suggested that I add a couple of features and turn the simple button tester into a fully fledged diagnosis tool. Soon more and more people suggested feature that DiagnoSe should have and some of those features have been added. I have had learned a lot from coding DiganoSe and have had fun doing it. I hope that some people find use for this application.

Features include testing

• Direction Pad and buttons
• Touch screen accuracy
• Wifi settings
• Microphone
• Speakers
• Screen lights
• Motion card/pak (sold separately)
• Rumble pak (sold separately)


• Boot GBA game
• Fix stuck pixels
• Reset to card menu (supported cards only)
• Power off DS
• Set screen brightness (DS Lite only, not saved in firmware)
• Battery monitor
• Temperature monitor
• GBA screen select (not saved in firmware)

Download Here (http://spinal.dizidesigns.co.uk/diagnose/diagnose.zip)

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July 25th, 2007, 00:08
Thanks for this, the stuck pixel thingy is exactly what I'm interested in. I know it's hit or miss, but I had this work well on my PSP so it's worth a shot.

If anyone out there runs a used game shop, this program would be the perfect tool for checking out returned DSes, or trade-ins.

July 25th, 2007, 06:23
Does "Boot GBA game" mean I can use this somehow to run .gba homebrew finally on my Max Media Player/Dock?

July 25th, 2007, 09:57
Does "Boot GBA game" mean I can use this somehow to run .gba homebrew finally on my Max Media Player/Dock?

No, it does the same as selecting the GBA option from the firmware, it will just boot the DS into GBA mode.

August 3rd, 2007, 07:47
how does it get the temperature